PHOTO: Helmet Saves Lakewood Child From Serious Injury

A Lakewood child luckily walked away with just minor injuries after a bike accident today.

The accident threw the boy to the ground and shattered his helmet, but was saved from a serious injury.

“The helmet literally saved his life,” someone on scene told TLS.

He also stressed the importance of purchasing good quality helmets.

Since TLS introduced our Click It & Lick It campaign 10 years ago, more children in Lakewood have been wearing helmets. The program was so successful, that other police departments began copying the concept.

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  1. Unfortunately, there are still way too many children biking, scootering and roller blading without helmets. Both on and off the streets and in public parks as well. In addition to the safety issues this is a total Chillul Hashem and it is up to the parents and schools to instill in their children the values that Torah Jews have for both their lives and the laws of the land. I would say from looking around on a daily basis the percentage is 50-50 for those that do and don’t wear helmets. We must raise the awareness again each season for the importance of wearing a helmet.

  2. My kids know that if they ride their bike without a helmet the bike goes in “time out” until the morning. It’s not a punishment, it’s a consequence. If they don’t know how to use the bike appropriately they need to take a break from using it…

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