PHOTO: Group meets to Address Rise of Anti-Semitism in Ocean County

jf 1A follow-up meeting was held yesterday to address the rise of anti-Semitism in Ocean County.

The meeting, between community leaders and the Jewish Federation of Ocean County, follows a meeting held last month between local community leaders and the Ocean County Prosecutor’s office in response to several anti-Semitic incidents that recently occurred in Ocean County towns.

During the meeting, it was decided to develop several subcommittees for:

EDUCATION – which will develop programs for the schools, parents and teachers;
ADULT INTERACTION – to work with Clergy and various organizations;
PUBLIC EVENT – ‘MITZVAH DAY’ – an event dedicated to community service together.

The events were arranged by non-Jewish community leaders in Lakewood, who work hand-in-hand with the various communities throughout the County.

jf2Attending the meeting yesterday, was:

Mrs. Chani Jacobowitz, Director of Governmental Affairs, Beth Medrash Govoha
Rabbi Moshe Gourarie, Chabad Center Toms River
Drew Staffenberg, Executive Director of the Jewish Federation
Ellyn Lyons, President of the Board of Directors for the Jewish Federation
Binyomin Newmark, Batya Girls Youth Group
George Rod, Publisher of Latinos Unidos & Jewish Journal
Rabbi Michael Jay, JCC of LBI
Rabbi Ellen S. Wolintz-Fields, Congregation B’nai Israel
Rabbi Rubin, Temple Beth Or
Reisa Sweet, Ocean County Human Relations Commission
Sandy Welsher, Federation of Ocean County
(missing from picture also attending were)
Pastor Alex Perdenia, Laurelton Baptist Church, Bricktown NJ
Colin Lewis, Community Compass


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