PHOTOS: [UPDATED] Yoel Zev Goldstien – the oldest of the three boys imprisoned in Japan who was released yesterday – tasted freedom for the first time in 3 years. Yoel Zev is on the flight to Eretz Yisroel together with his father, Aron Nezri and a friend of the family.
They are expected to arrive this evening in Eretz Yisroel. Photo submitted by Yid Pictures.
UPDATE: Yoel Zev has landed in Eretz Yisroel.
what is happening to the other boys? I hope and pray they have the same out come as Yoel Zev Goldstien
dont understand why we cant get the last boy out? if he is not guilty why is his friend guilty? werent they traveling together? we need to continue to daven and daven………….
the youngest of the three is already free at home. The middle aged of the three is awaiting deportation to Israel. What type of justice system is this country has when three boys involved in the same set up and one is non guilty while the two others are found guilty? Not to je believed!
I was just at his kabalos ponim it was very nice singing and dancing
Just so that u know they all had diff judges it just shows who the real judge is
Mr. Conservitive…..
of course we don’t understand why things like this happen. most of our questions will be unanswered. God is the only one who has all the answers and protects all of us. we have to have a lot of faith and trust in Him that everything will be ok. so many disasters happen around the world to people of which doesn’t make much sense to us. but everything is for a reason. even the situation in japan. God wants us to learn from it.
the message from HASHEM to learn from the entire 3 boys in japan story & situation is, that THE ONLY WAY FOR MASHIACH TO COME is if ALL of klal yisroel comes together as one-no matter which group from frum to chasidish to conservative…- for without achdus a person has nothing (without shalom & achdus in a persons home, he has no home)
this sad story brought klal yisroel together-for fundraising & saying tehillim etc…-BUT klal yisroel needs to REMAIN together as one nation for mashiach to come