Shoot4Shalom, Shalom Torah Centers annual basketball tournament, was held on February 21st with increased competitive fervor and drive to win! With the Tournament Sponsor Meridian Capital leading the way, the Tournament exceeded its fundraising goal of $180,000 with 46 teams and over 250 players committed to “Play Ball, Score Eternity”.
The winning team was ZP Realty, a real estate management and investment firm located in Brooklyn. The team was made up of ZP employees, Sruly Lieberman, Yosef Jungreis, and Dan Pollack. Yosef’s brother, Dovid and friend, Eitan Gettenberg, completed the roster that dominated the competition throughout the tournament. For winning the tournament, the team will meet the entire Knicks team after the Knicks VS Pacers on April 3rd at Madison Square Garden.
Teams were comprised of corporations and individuals, with many teams this year in the Real Estate industry. In addition to Meridian Capital as Tournament Sponsor, Platinum level sponsors included Rieder Communities, Madison Title, Goldmont Realty and Newport Management. There were also many teams from the healthcare field with Center Management, Global Healthcare, Vita Healthcare, and Palm Gardens leading the way. All teams enjoyed and leveraged the opportunity to network with like-minded professionals and basketball players in a unique and exciting setting.
The first Jewish Basketball Tournament of its kind, Shoot4Shalom brings Jewish together ball players and fans from around the Tri-State area. Spectators and supporters included a vast diversity of both fans of basketball and fans of kiruv, Shalom Torah families and students, educators and athletes, and players’ wives and families. The large crowd of approximately 500 people was representative of the diversity of Klal Yisroel, with all types of Jews unified in their devotion to Jewish Continuity and to sports competition.
Yosef Golubchik, married to a Shalom Alumn and living in Highland Park, brought his family to watch the tournament.
“My kids had such a thrill watching their father play and I couldn’t be happier. Normally I am coaching my son and taking him to practice and watching his games but it was a pleasure to turn the tables around and flip the dynamic. An amazing experience!”
Spearheaded by Rabbi Yisroel Mayer Merkin, Director of Development and Rebbe at Shalom Torah Academy, the Tournament was modeled after other successful crowdfunding sports events, with a focus on basketball. Merkin scouted out ball players from gyms and schools throughout New Jersey, Brooklyn, the Five Towns, Lakewood, and recruited them personally and through connections with corporations and last year’s teams and sponsors. Shalom Torah Center’s Board of Directors, Chaired by Leon Goldenberg of Goldmont Realty, and Shalom’s Young Leadership Board, headed by Heshy Eissenberg of Newport Management, dedicated their time and resources to the success of the event.
“The only way that an event of this magnitude can be pulled off is with the help of committed volunteers,” Rabbi Merkin related.” I am blessed to be working for a board that is so committed and invested in our organization.”
When asked why he raised money to participate in the tournament, Guido Schnall, of Blue Rock Development in Brooklyn replied,” Shalom is a great organization that does great work. I wanted to help as much as I could.”
Shoot4Shalom was held at Hoop Group Headquarters, a basketball facility in Neptune, New Jersey. With 4 full courts, there were eight games being played simultaneously. Complementary physical therapy was provided by Steven Friedman of ProCare Howell, and therapists massaged and stretched players’ limbs to prepare for their games. During the games viewers, young and old, enjoyed salads donated by Garden State Cafe, energy bars donated by NPGS and Gatorade and other drinks, donated by Seasons. There was even popcorn, cotton candy, and other snacks prepared by Shalom Torah Rebbe, Menachem Chinn . Professional referees enforced the rules of the game, and former New York Knick Charles Oakley coached teams as requested.
When describing the event, Sruly Bornstein of Therapeutics Unlimited, had this to say.” Last year was fun, but this year we took it to a whole new level. I am already looking forward to next year’s event.”
Rabbi Shimon Lefkowitz, member of Shalom’s executive board, echoed Sruli’s enthsusiam about the event and the organization.
”I represent Team Palm Gardens and we are all having a great time here today,” Shimon remarked.”The real winners of today’s event are the children of Shalom Torah Centers. That’s why we are shooting today! I am happy and proud to be a part of this great organization.”
A dedicated corps of Shalom parents, former parents, students and Alumni volunteered at the event, rooting for the support of their school.
The tournament began with each team playing 4 games within their division. After the play in round, the teams competed in a 3-point shootout. The talented winner was 15 year Dovid Reiser of Team Stamler, who sunk an amazing 34 3-pointers in 3 minutes! The team won the coveted prize of an Invicta watch, donated by Chaim Zelmanowitz of Lakewood. After the Shootout, a delicious buffet by Richter Caterers was served for everybody on the court.
The top 24 teams made the playoffs, and the final game was between ZP Realty of Brooklyn and the Schulman Boyz of Passaic. Who won? ZP Realty. But we were all winners in the end.
All proceeds from Shoot4Shalom benefit Shalom Torah Academy, a kiruv day school located in Morganville, NJ. Shalom provides a full day General and Jewish education to students who would otherwise be in public school. With a proven 40 year record of achievement, Shalom students remain Jewishly identified and active in their communities, building future Jewish generations and defying international statistics of high assimilation.
Visit for all the action! See you in 2017!