PHOTO: Educational Assistance Grant Checks Begin Arriving in Lakewood Mailboxes
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מה זאת
Do these checks go straight to the school?
If someone was eligible, what was the check amount based on?
Did everyone who applied who was eligible get approved?
It would be helpful to many people if some more basic info was provided.
1) Are all eligible applications receiving a check?
2)Are all checks $2,500?
3) For those that don’t qualify, will they get a notice that they were denied?
Nu, tachlis please, how do I get that money?
The qualifications for these were from what I understand anyone that could show a loss due to covid
It means that someone that has 6 kids with a 200k income that dropped to 190k could receive
But someone with same number of kids that was making 100k and now makes 110k doesn’t
Not looking for handouts but,well,you know
You had to apply for this grant by a certain date. We received the check and we are very grateful
I am all for giving tzedakah for those in need and bh have been zocheh to be on the giving end on many occasions. However this is not tzedakah. One day people will wake up and discover that government has NO money. The only thing government can do is spend their constituents money.