PHOTO: CJAB Members Join Assemblyman Avi Schnall at Hearing for Legislation Cutting Red Tape for Builders and Contractors

Last month, New Jersey Assemblyman Avi Schnall (D-30) introduced legislation aimed at making construction inspections more efficient for builders, foremen, and contractors across New Jersey.

The bill, A-5130, would require inspectors to provide a two-and-a-half-hour timeframe for their arrival on a construction site, ensuring greater predictability and reducing wasted time.

Under current law, inspectors are only required to provide a date for their visit without specifying a time. This forces builders to remain at the worksite for hours, waiting for the inspector’s arrival, which could happen at any point during the day. If the builder needs to step away and misses the inspector, the inspection is canceled, and they must restart the process—resulting in unnecessary delays, inefficiencies, and costs.

“Builders are a cornerstone of our local economy in the 30th District and throughout New Jersey. The unpredictable nature of current inspection scheduling wastes valuable time and resources,” said Assemblyman Schnall. “This legislation is about respecting the time of our hardworking builders and making the process more efficient for everyone involved.”

Today, members of Central Jersey Association for Builders (CJAB) attended a hearing on the legislation in Trenton, which moves the bill a step closer to becoming law.

“This proposed bill promises to bring much-needed efficiency to the current system, reducing unnecessary hurdles and delays,” a CJAB member commented to TLS.

The bill passed the committee unanimously.

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  1. sure! sure! i remember Avi Schnall from camp yachad lakewood day camp, he was my head counselor! we used to chant Avi Avi Schnall….!! good old days! i really should have taken a selfie with him back then!

  2. what about some legislation that would benefit all lakewooders, stop the irresponsible development, widen roads in a timely fashion to help improve the horrible traffic

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