PHOTO: Car window shattered after baby is locked inside

A car window needed to be shattered today after a baby was locked inside.

It’s unclear at this time who shattered the window or for how long the child was locked inside.

Sometimes keys are locked inside the vehicle, and sometimes children are intentionally left in a vehicle while a parent runs inside the home or a shop.

Parents are reminded to never leave their child in a vehicle unattended, even for a minute.

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  1. The article discusses the well being of the child which is the most important thing.
    Let us do the math.
    Amazon Prime costs about 140 annually. They deliver within 2 days most of the time.
    The cost to have a window repaired is a lot more plus a headache dealing with certain mechanic shops.
    Again I repeat the life of the child is top top priority.

  2. Let’s stop the fake news – there has never been a single story in Lakewood that a child was Intentionally left in a vehicle and something happened to that child. Which begs the question why are there signs and news headlines telling parents never leave a child in a car. The signs should rather say Don’t forget your child etc. Stop Implying that the Parents of Lakewood are irresponsible!

    • While this is never intentional, IMO this is still a good PSA announcement. New moms, dads and even grandparents habits or routines may have changed and simply just forgot they were the one that was picking up or dropping off. As for never happening in Lakewood I call (moderated) as it can happen in almost any town and has happened! Back in 2019 it happened to a young mother from Lakewood and I am sure changed the families life forever!

    • Wow. You do not know your history. Sadly you are very mistaken as those of us who recall. It still brings tears to my eyes. Then after the horrible story there was a big to do whether the mother would be arrested or not. We all thought the pain of losing a child was already too much to bear.

    • The point is a reminder! If someone doesn’t usually have their baby with them, unfortunately if they get distracted then habit takes over and they can forget. Seeing the sign on a car or store window will trigger the memory.

  3. Just as an extra precaution.
    Leave windows always open about an inch.
    In case a person forgets a child chas veshalem.
    If the child cries someone can at least hear it.

  4. I mentioned Amazon prime, because the article clearly says and I quote, “parent runs inside the home or shop”.
    If you order through Amazon, you will be making less trips to the store and the parent can be home with the child while Amazon will get the delivery done.

  5. Unfortunately, as a long time resident of Lakewood, I can recall 2 incidents of babies who died after being left in cars. The pain is unimaginible and never goes away. Of course it wasn’t intentional and if the reminders save the life of even one child, they are worth it.

  6. On a very hot day, leaving the car window slightly open won’t help too much. Better to take children with you into store.

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