PHOTO: Be Prepared For Long Waits At Gas Stations; List Open Stations

PHOTO: If you’re looking to fill up your car gas tanks, generators and spare tanks, be ready for a long wait. Area gas stations as well as stations on the Garden State Parkway are seeing lines stretching for about a half mile.

If you know of a gas station open, please list it in the comments for the rest of our readers.

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  1. Now that power is being restored to much of Lakewood, I would advise people to wait another 2-3 hours if possible. By then you should have no problem finding a gas station WITHOUT a long line (and cheaper!).

  2. To Smart: you said “now that power is being restored to much of Lakewood…” I don’t know what info you have, but I see a VERY SMALL portion of Lakewood having had their power restored, not “much of Lakewood” like you described. The entire Rt 9 corridor, Coventry area, Lawrence/ Squankum, and many many more areas are still without power. Although I hope you’re right, I don’t know if you can assume there will be more gas stations open within a few hours.

  3. aaa is not there because you are unwilling to take action to assure you have gasoline..they are there for REAL EMERGENCIES! don’t tie them up. there may a family with children in the car that are experiencing car problems…that’s what triple aaa is for!

  4. #11

    “Power being restored to much of Lakewood”, DO U HAVE INSIDE INFORMATION?

    How do u know that?

    There are very few JCP&L trucks in lakewood, and half if not more of Lakewood is still down!!!

  5. along rt 70 I saw 3 gas staitions open. 1) wawa west of rt 9 2)exxon 1 mile west of the wawa and I went to teh luke oil as mentioned above. All of these have about 70-100 cars waiting to fill up. Please have patience as it will be a hour wait at this hour

  6. why does everybody need gas? You were told to fill up before the storm & if you have a generator, you should have bought containers to store extra. We were all warned to be prepared to hold out for possibly a couple of weeks. Didn’t anybody heed the warnings?

  7. Anyone who dosent mind driving 30 minutes I just came back from the service plaza (north bound ) on the NJ TPK bet 7 and 7A. You must go down to exit 7 which is 6 miles or so and turn around. There was no wait at all. I did stop on the south side first as they are right accross from each other there was a minumal wait so I continued to make the u turn as i would of had to do anyways.

  8. There is a 711 gas station on route 9 south in howell with a very short line maybe ten minutes. Across the street was a wawa with a very short wait as well

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