Baruch Dayan Ha’emes: We regret to inform you of the Petirah of R’ Chizkiyahu Yosef Levovitz Z’L, the son-in-law of Rav Zimbal Shlita of West Gate. R’ Chizkiyahu Z’L, who resided in Eretz Yisroel, was found by family members this morning unresponsive, and efforts by Hatzolah to revive him were unsuccessful.
R’ Chizkiyahu was the son of Harav Chaim Shloime Levovitz Shlita, from the Roshei Yeshivah of Ponovez, and previously of the Kamenitz Yeshivah.
He was 40, and leaves behind a wife and 6 children.
The Levaya will be taking place at Yeshivas Mir in Eretz Yisroel at 14:00 hours.
Baruch Dayan Emes.
Is he a grandson of Rav Yeruchom Levovitz Zatzal, famed Mir Mashgiach whose Yahrtzeit is tonight?
i think its Liebovitz not levovitz he is a grandson of reb boruch ber
He was the son of HaRav Chaim Shlomo Leibovitz shlita Rosh Yeshiva of Ponevitch and Kamenetz and great grandson of HaRav Boruch Ber Leibovitz. He was a great Talmid Chacham in his own right.
May Hashem have rachmonos on his children – This was a beautiful person who was a big masmid and talmid chochom. What a terrible tragedy! We should all get up and do teshuva as best we can because we need rachamei shamayim.
He was the sopn of Geveret Liebovitz of BJJ. Hamokom yenachem the entire mishpocho
Does anyone know if he had been in Lakewood for a summer a few years back (4-5 yrs ago)?
These kind of things happening & people being Niftar at young ages or in strange ways R”L are all wake up call to klal yisroel that we only care about ourselves, but when it comes to helping/caring for another yid then i cannot help you.
with that being the case, each time tragedy strikes Hashem has the same question-for each person separately-now you have woken up, now you are crying at this baby’s levaya R”L but when we hear of someone else in tragic cases… we dont care. hashem then wants to know if we will wake up now to help others or do we need another tragic WAKE-UP call from hashem C”V to care for one another?
No Shaychis to Geveret Leibowitz – get your facts straight. Was son of Ponovich R”Y.
Our hearts go out to the Zimbal family on this excruciating tragedy. Lo aleinu to receive a mid night call from a distraught young daughter who has just become an almanah. May Hashem give strength and nechamah to the the Leibowitz and Zimbal families!
#9. I believe that the niftar is a brother–in-law to geveret leibowitz from BJJ.
Yes. he has been in Lakewood many times over the last few years.
Giverel Leibowitz was his Aunt.
the way to stop all these tradgedies is to make it more difficult to get our sons and daughters into school. NOT
to #13
i totally agree with you & will remind you that the wake-up message quoted above was for the same reason a few years ago a few schools closed down one after the next based on because the town did not accept a few girls & did not care for one another
Baruch Dayan Emes Our thoughts and love are with you Blumie and your darling parents and all the mishpochah!
May you be comforted along with all the aveilim of klal Yisroel and may you not have any more pain.
All of the Orbach and Felberbaum families down under