We regret to inform you of the Petirah of Rebbitzen Chayah Zimmerman A”H.
Rebbitzen Zimmerman A”H, of Bensonhurst, is the wife of noted Mohel Rabb Eliyahu. She was 78.
She leaves behind her husband, and children; R’ Shalom (Monsey), R’ Yaakov (Lakewood), R’ Yossi (Lakewood), Mrs. Mykoff, Mrs. Yehudis Jacobs, Mrs. Nechami Jacobs, Mrs. Schwab, Mrs. Rubin, Mrs. Ehrlich, Mrs. Krupenia and Mrs. Handelsman.
The Levaya is scheduled to take place at 6:00 PM today at the chapel in Lakewood, 613 Ramsey Avenue. Kevurah in Lakewood.
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.
If there’s a Levaya hookup please post
Aren’t there a few other brothers?
anyone know where they are sitting?