We regret to inform you of the Petirah of Rebbetzin Esther Levenberg A”H, who was Niftar over Shabbos in Lakewood.
The Rebbetzin is the wife of Reb Yehuda, and daughter of Rav Mordechai Schwab ZT”L. She was 73.
The Levaya is scheduled to take place at 12:00 PM Sunday at Bais Yitzchok in Lakewood, with Kevurah in Lakewood.
Note, the Aron will be in the hallway.
Shiva will take place at 425 8th Street, Lakewood.
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.
BD”E. What a loss!! Noda B’sharim Baalah.
Her husband YBLC”T is one of the major Talmidei Chachamim in Lakewood, still learning every day in BMG for close to 60 years! He’s the author of many Seforim titled Imrei Chain, basically covering Kol Hatorah Kulah.
She certainly has a huge Chelek in his Harbotzas Hatorah. Yehi Zichrah Boruch.
Was it sudden, or was she not well for a while?
She wasn’t well