We regret to inform you of the Petirah of R’ Shloime Klien Z”L of Boro Park who was Niftar over Shabbos following a brief illness.
R’ Shloime, who was in his low 80’s, was a generous Baal Tzedakah and Talmid Chacham who retired from his business three decades ago so he can sit and learn.
His children live in Lakewood, where one son, R’ Yanky, is the Menahel of Yeshivas Birchas Chaim.
The Levaya will take place Sunday morning at 11am at the Lakewood Chapel and Kevurah will be in Lakewood as well.
The Shiva details will be posted as soon as they are made available.
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.
BDE!!! such a special person. so sad!