BARUCH DAYAN HA’EMES: It’s with much sadness we report the Petirah of Reb Refael Rubin Z’L, who was Niftar just as Shabbos began, following a lengthy illness. He was 36.
Yeshivah of South Jersey, a Yeshivah in Lakewood for Bachruim returning from Eretz Yisroel, was founded by Reb Refael approximately two years ago.
The Levaya will be taking place at 1:00 PM Sunday, Purim, at the 7th Street Chapel.
For a live hookup to the Levaya, call 718-906-6400 and press * for live hookup.
He was a tzadik
may it bring comfort to his family to know that he is in a better place and not suffering.. keeping him and his family in my heart and prayers.. may he rest in peace..
Does anyone know where levaya is?
Does anybody know which yeshivas he learnt in?
Tzadick vtohor. Mamash a Baal yesorim
BDH. He was a real yid a true loss to klall yisroel may his family and friends be comforted with the true geula speedly!!!!!
Levaya will imyh be on Purim @ 1:00 786 7th st Lkwd Bais oilam
Passaic, R’ Moshe Wolpin
He was loved by everyone. He cared for everyone.
the artical says where
Levaya at 1 PM @ 7th Street Chapel
Was he orignially from Staten Island?
Reb Refael was special. Despite his ilness, he was constantly involved in Tzorche Tzibur and was always concerned about his fellow Yid. He is a big loss for Klal Yisroel.
Does he have children
Very sad. May his wife and children have the chizuk to emotionally survive this tragedy.
How does one explain to children “why Hashem didnt answer our tfilos”?
A very special Neshama from a very special Mishpacha.
He had 6 children
Yid (#14), you explain to the children that Hashem did answer their tefilos. Unfortunately, the answer was no. A freilechen Purim.
Yes he is from staten island
We were so heartbroken when we heard the news. There are no words which can express our grief. May hashem give koach to his family to move forward. May Refael Menachem meir be a meilitz yoshor. May hashem hear our tefilos and bring the geula b’korov, where we once again will re-unite with Reb Refael, and all our brothers and sisters who have gone to the olam haemes. We should only hear good news in klal yisroel. Amen Ken Yehi Ratzon.
To #14: The answer is that Hash-m asnwered our tefillos, the answer was no.
Yes he was originally from Staten Island.
Yes he was originally from Staten Island.
It says that no tefillos go to waste..
Even if Hashem said NO to us now, the heartfelt tefillos of Klal Yisroel will surely provide a yeshuah and chizuck to the almanah and yesomim, and who knows what other tragedy or bad gezeiros have been annulled as a result of the tefillos.
Refoel, we will miss you! BDE
He learned in Staten Island, Passaic and then R’ Moshe Wolpin.
So sad. So many young people with so many hardships. May we all use our tefillos on this special day to help bring some relief to klal yisroel!
Once in a while a person comes around with a vision a dream.
Once in while a person comes around who acts one those visions, on those dreams.
That was Reb Refael.
He had a plan.
His plan was to spread kvod shmayim.
His yeshiva was not the end.
To him his yeshiva was just the beginning.
What a loss.
For his family, for his friends, for his talmidim and for klal yisrael.
May Hashem give the family koach to continue on.
Did he also learn in Riverdale?
We loved him and his warm personality. Happy Purim
Bde a special yid
He was a real Rosh Yeshiva(together with his shutaf R Shalom Shlita YL”T) who genuine cared for his talmidim b’fraat and for every yid b’clal he was Adeenus Hanefesh and an Erliche Mentch his Shmoozin were Devorim Hayotzim min Halev and was holding by everything that came out of his mouth ! He had so much Kovod Habrios that just showed us his deep understanding of the Briah may the R”she give his wife and children the strength to carry on and be Michanech the kids in his ways until they reunite @ mashiach b’mhayra BYUMANU amen!!
Lately Reb Refael Z”L was involved with a lot of funding not only for his Yeshiva, but also for tzurchei harabim. I don’t know if he owes anyone money, but if he does and you can’t be moichel it bpeh, please let his brother Avrumi know about it and he’ll do his best to be mesader it. Please all who’ve ever felt slighted or mistreated by Reb Refael Z’L to say bpeh that your moichel him blev Shalem. Reb Refael was a person who was mekabel all and usually saw the good in others that they themselves didn’t. At this difficult time please do the same for his neshama. May we all share in simchos umacha Hashem Elokim dimah
the live hookup doesnt work .any other way to hear live?
hook up for Levaya
I missed the levaya hookup, is there any way that it was recorded or could be posted online? May HaShem change Purim “m’yagon l’simcha mayevel l’yom Tov”
What is the shiva info?
Where will they be sitting shiva?
Shiva starting monday night after marriv at 120 guzd street.
Shiva is at the Rubin Home in Lakewood 120 Gudz Road
He learned in Riverdale Yeshiva too.
Shive will be in his house on Gudz RD right next door to Gutman Shul Starting tonight February 25th Monday
Shiva will be observed at 120 Gudz Rd. Lakewood NJ 08701 beginning Monday night until Shabbos. Reb Refael Z”L learned as a child in Yeshiva Tiferes Elimelech, after 8th grade he moved on to learn in Staten Island Yeshiva from 9th grade through 11th grade, he then proceeded on to Telz Yeshiva in Riverdale for 12th grade and first year bais Medrash, after that he learned in Passaic under Rav Meir Stern Shlita for 2 years that turned into a lifelong Rebbe Talmid relationship. After 2 years in Passaic Reb Refael went to Eretz Yisroel and learned in Novardohk under Rav Moshe Wolpin shlita a lifelong Rebbe talmid relationship for 2 years, from there to BMG for a year and a half until his wedding and then returning to Novardohk in the kollel for 6 1/2 years, then to Elizabeth for 4 years then to Lakewood to start Yeshiva Gedolah of South Jersey for 2 1/2 years. Umacha Hashem
אחד מבני החבורה ידאגו כל החבורה I cant believe Refoel is no longer with us. He was so full of life, geshmak and upbeat, there was always that “good feeling” being around him. I remember the shabbos seudas, the “oilam” was always around him… Always a good vort, a good derher. He knew what to say when, had a good understanding of a situation and acted accordingly. His bain adom l’chavairo and sensitivities to others left a deep impression on all those that ever met him. What impressed me most about him, was his constant thirst to shtieg. Can’t say enough about him… יהי זכרו ברוך
shiva is at his home in Lakewood.there were people who recorded the levaya