Petirah of Reb Naftoli Wagschal Z”L at 100 Years Old

We regret to inform you of the Petirah of Reb Naftoli Wagschal Z’L, who was Niftar a short time ago at the age of 100 years old, just one week short of this 101st birthday.

Born in Austria, Reb Naftoli – who remembered Kristalnacht – relocated during WWII to Australia, and later settled in Gateshead, England. There, he married Ruth Wolf, who was tragically killed in a car accident over 60 years ago.

Reb Naftoli years later married Rifka Lustig, the mother of Hagaon Rav Mordechai Dick Shlita, and the aunt of the current Boyaner Rebbe.

While in England, Reb Naftoli served for some time as a Rebbe in Cheder, and among his Talmidim was the Mashgiach Rav Matisyahu Soloman Shlita.

Reb Naftoli relocated to Brooklyn many years ago, and lived there until Covid, when he moved in with his daughter, Mrs. Rochel Mandelbaum, and his son Reb Akiva in Baltimore. Last year, he moved in with his daughter, Mrs. Miriam Weintraub, wife of Reb Yankel, in Lakewood.

His children are; Mrs. Rochel Mandelbaum (Baltimore), R’ Avrohom (Eretz Yisroel), Mrs. Chana Sofer (Beit Shemesh), R’ Aviesri (Brooklyn), R’ Akiva (Baltimore), Mrs. Miriam Weintraub (Lakewood).

The Levaya is set to take place at 10:00 AM Monday at the Gerer Shteeble in Lakewood, with Kevurah in Deans, NJ.

Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.

Celebrating a Siyum Hashas on his 100th Birthday in Lakewood

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