UPDATED: We regret to inform you of the Petirah of Harav Reb Moshe Rabinowitz Z”L, the Menahel of Mesivta Keren Hatorah of Lakewood, who was Niftar this afternoon following a lengthy illness R”L.
Reb Moshe Z”L, formerly of Ner Yisroel Toronto, was approximately 60 years old. He is the brother of Reb Mendel Rabinowitz, Menahel of Yeshiva Ketana of Lakewood.
UPDATE: The Levaya will be taking place at JFK Airport Cargo 22 lot at 4:30PM. As per Miaskim, please do not park in 23.
UPDATE: Request from family:

UPDATE: Hookup to the Levaya: 732-839-3001 And press 244677#
The levaya will be at 4:30 JFK airport cargo building B23-building may be changed for a larger location
What a loss to klal yisroel
May his neshama have an aliya
Levaya Location has been changed to JFK cargo lot 22 (misaskim asks everyone to please not park in lot 23)
Does anyone know of a ride to the levaya from Brooklyn?
Anyone know of any audio or video hookup?
Reb Moshe Zatzal was the most amazing person I ever knew. His emunah was real. What he gave his talmudim will always survive. His Legacy is Yeshiva Keren Hatorah and all its accomplishments. Everyone who is in the know knows how he built this yeshiva brick by brick. That’s how it became one of the most Choshevah yeshivis in the oilem Hatorah
BDE! A true oved hashem and baal mussar who was willing to help every single Yachid! He was always feeling the tzaar of the Yachid and the Rabbim!
A former talmid!
Does anyone know what time the levaya is ending or what time the flight is.
I’m trying to figure out if I’ll miss it by the time I leave
When I was sick for a long period of time R’ Moishe must’ve come to visit me 10 times. This was despite his terrible pain that he was in because of his own illness. He was always mechazek me. Always happy. As a matter of fact one time when I was very sick from cancer as well, he came to my house on Erev Yom Kippur to visit me. He told me that he was on his way back from a big and hard medical test, but he couldn’t go into Yom Kippur without stopping in and wishing me fit yom tov. I am truly heart broken. We lost a tzadik.
He was a Tzaddik in Middos and a gaon in C hinuch & his Talks on the Parsha are incredible. But he was a Tzaddik Yesod Oilam in being Mekabel Yesurim B’Ahava and living his life B’Simcha. This was not an average individual, this was a special, special person. TZTB”H.
I believe that R ‘ Moshe, zt”l, initiated the IPF, Israel Purim Fund, at the Yeshiva of Long Beach. The first year they collected only $500, and now they collect over $400,000 for b’neighborhood Torah in Eretz Yisroel.
Yehi Zichro Boruch
True tzaddik
BDE, An amazing person. Heard many shiurim from him in Toronto many years ago, Quoting Harav Chaim Shmuelevitz, always captivating. He should be a Meiltz Yosher for his family and Klal Yisroel.
R’ Rabinowitz ZT”L used to give a weekly shiur in Ner Yisorel on Ohr Hachayim (Chumash) which I was zoche to attend. He was an extremely gifted orator with a vast knowledge in Torah, crystal-clear Hashkafah, and he used all of this to inspire thousands ! His children (and grandchildren) YBCL are all extremely special, choshuv and with exemplary middos tovos (as was the niftar). This is a HUGE loss for Klal Yisroel! Yehi Zichro Baruch
I agree with Command Post. R Moshe was my son’s Menahel for 4 yrs in Keren HaTorah. He was able to tap into we very Talmids strength and make them feel special. My son told me, I these past few yrs, at times R Moshe was in so much pain, he was crying out in pain in middle of davening. This is not ur every day person. I used to buy his Parsha CDs in Coventry shul. They were amazing. Yehi Zichro Boruch.
I just saw this and I am devasted. I am an ordinary Jew with a small business in town and Reb Moshe was a customer. Such a normal humble person who never left even a trace of a hint that he was a Rosh Hayeshiva. His warm smile, easy demeanor and open show of gratitude are something I will never forget.
I used to go to hear his Sunday Chumash shiurim in Zichron Shneur , for many years. He was a great baal mazbir, and we all loved his shiurim.
Does anyone know where I can buy his shiurim CD’s ?
18 Years ago he used to give shiurim in camp silver lake. Personally it was by best shurim of the summer! That’s the truth. Simple, real tzadik, full of a lot of energy.