We regret to inform you of the Petirah of Reb Moshe Halevi Gross Z”L, who was Niftar today at the age of 90.
Reb Moshe Z”L, a Musmach of Yeshivas Chaim Berlin, lived in Northeast Philadelphia for many years and served as the principal of Beth Jacob of Philadelphia. He was also a prominent Mohel who performed many Brisim for Philadelphia and South Jersey families.
Reb Moshe Z”L moved to Lakewood several years ago, and lived with his wife in Westgate.
His children are R’ Meir (Lakewood), Mrs. Shenny Cherish (Monsey), R’ Zalman (Brooklyn), and R Yaakov (Monsey).
The Levaya will be taking place at 1 PM today, Monday, at the 7th Street Chapel. Kevurah will be at the Degel Yehuda cemetery in Deans, NJ.
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.
Shivah will be taking place at 32 Green Cove Road in Westgate. Shacharis at 7:30, and Mincha/Maariv at 7:10 PM.
BDE. I think he was my mohel almost 50 years ago.
It shouldn’t be difficult to know for sure if you know exactly how old you are now.