We regret to inform you of the Petirah of Reb Yehuda Leib Klahr Z”L of Lakewood, who was Niftar on Yom Kippur following an illness.
Reb Leibel leaves behind his wife, Rebbetzin Adina, and children Mrs. Esther Frumy Weintraub, Reb Chanina Klahr, Reb Yoni Klahr, Reb Chaimy Klahr, Mrs. ET Kaplan, Mrs. Miri Fine, Reb Shmully Klahr, Reb Moish Klahr, Reb Boruch Klahr, Reb Asher Klahr, Reb Avrumy Klahr, Reb Yoily Klahr, and Reb Yaakov Klahr.
The Levaya is scheduled to take place at 11:30AM Tuesday at the Lakewood Chapel, 613 Ramsey Avenue.
Shiva information to follow.
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.
A big Talmid chacham he learned in bmg the last few years that he moved to lakewood from monsey.
Talmud muvhak of Rav Gedalya Schorr ZT”L. Gave 3 shiurim daily while working full time. He went back to learning first in Beis Medrash Elyon after retirement, and then in BMG the last 6 years following his move to Lakewood from Monsey.
Also leaves behind his brother, Reb Yitzchok Klahr, in Lakewood