Petirah of Reb Eliyahu Pesach Rominek Z”L, Marbitz Torah in America for approximately 70 years

We regret to inform you of the Petirah of Rav Eliyahu Pesach Rominek Z”L, a Marbitz Torah in America for more than seventy years.

Initially, a talmid of Rav Hutner in Yeshiva Mesivta Chaim Berlin, Rav Rominek was one of the earliest and foremost talmidim of Rav Ahron Kotler in BMG’s early years. He then returned to Chaim Berlin and became a Rosh Mesivta in the Bais Medrash throughout the 1950’s and 1960’s. He also was the Rav of the Young Israel of Laurelton throughout the community’s existence.

Through his efforts, many of his Mispallelim raised Torah-true families.

He then moved to Far Rockaway where he founded a Yeshiva for post-Yeshiva adults.

For decades, he gave shiurim throughout the week to young and old.

His pre-Yom Tov Shiurim, given in the various shuls in the community, were the highlight of many people’s Yom Tov preparation. The advanced level of his shiurim  elevated the community as a whole.

As one of the senior Rabbanim of the community, many of the important Shailos were brought to him. He was also known outside of these communities for his successful efforts to free young girls from the tyranny of Kedushei Ketana. He was respected and communicated with many of the Gedolim in America and Eretz Yisroel regarding this and many of the other issues of the day.

The Levaya will take place 9:30 Tuesday morning at the Yeshiva of Far Rockaway, the place where he gave many shiurim, 802 Hicksville Road, Far Rockaway, NY.

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