Petirah of Rav Elya Roman Z”L, a Talmid of Rav Aharon Kotler Zatzal [UPDATED]

We regret to inform you of the Petirah of Rav Elya Roman Z”L, one of the original talmidim of Rav Aharon Kotler Zatzal, who was Niftar this morning at age 77.

Rav Elya Z”L, a brother-in-law with Rav Gissinger, was a beloved Rebbe to thousands of talmidim in Rav Paler’s Yeshivah, and Tiferes Elimelech.

The Levaya will tentatively be taking place at 7:45 pm this evening at the 7th Street Chapel (613 Ramsey Avenue), and Kevurah will take place at the nearby Bais Olam.

Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.

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  1. Baruch Dayan Emes. Rabbi Roman was my 7th Grade Rebbe. I remember the day of Reb Ahron Kotler’s Yor Zteit he walked in to the class room and sat quietly for a bit and then all of the sudden he would breakdown crying. He proceeded to give a hesped on the Rosh Hayeshiva Reb Ahron Zetzal. He told us that he had planned on going to law school. One day he walked in to Reb Ahron and told him that he was planning to go to Law school to become a lawer. Rabbi Roman then stood up and showed us what Reb Ahron did. He grabbed on to his lapels and started yelling and crying Nein!, Nein!, Nein!. He said at that moment he made his decision to stay in Yeshiva.

    Yehay Zichro Baruch.

  2. yes, he did a yom zikaron on the yartzeit. To add some details: someone i think shlepped him there for a Shabos and the friend was the one who mentioned to R’ Aron that R’ Elya was planning on being a lawyer.
    R’ Aron then grabbed his lapel and said “vest blaybin in lernin, vest blaybin in lernin” and then he explained that R’ Aron who was a shtick Torah and Emes, once he said it out of his mouth it would happen.
    He was also extremely close to R’ Yakov Zatzal.
    He was a Rebbi that turned kids into Bachurim as he said the first day each year, “kids” are for the farm, now you refer to each other as bachurim.
    May his Habatzas Hatorah be a zechus for the neshama, the family and he should be a maylitz yosher for his family, talmidim and gantz klal yisroel.

  3. Rabbi Roman was a legendary ben tora of the old generation. It was in his blood and was given over to his talmidim in an unbelievable way. I learned by him over 30 yrs ago and feel that he had a huge effect on me. He’s in my bones till today and will remain forever. He was so real and authentic. He turned boys totally around. The highlight of the year was the yarzeit of his two rebbes, Reb Aron and Reb Berel Soloveitchik. On those days there was no learning. He reminisced and said stories and personal encounters all morning which brought to real tears. He would cry in front of the whole class. We saw how any American boy from a very simple background can grow into a chashuve Ben tora. חבל על דאבדין. He’s going up with huge zechusim of הרבצת תורה.
    יהא זכרו ברוך.

  4. My husband and I have so much hakaras hatov to Rabbi Roman Zatzal. He was an incredible influence on all our children. One child in particular was really down and Rabbi Roman completely lifted him up and held on to him until he was on his own two feet. This child is now a budding ben Torah, due in no small part to Rabbi Roman’s efforts. Rabbi Roman had a way with his students, showing them kavod and giving over his love for Torah. May the continued Torah learning of all the students he left behind be a zechus for his neshama.

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