We regret to inform you of the Petirah of R’ Mordechai Leeder Z”L, who was Niftar this evening following an illness.
R’ Mordechai resided in the Coventry neighborhood for the past 14 years, and was a Mispallel at Rabbi Horowitz’s Shul. He was 76.
The Levaya is scheduled to take place 9:15 AM Tuesday at the Chapel, 613 Ramsey Avenue. Kevurah will take place in Boston.
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.
I’m deeply saddened.. I had a lot to do with R’ Mordechai Z”l (and his late mother z”l who was herself niftar only a couple of years ago). Anyone who knew R’ Mordechai Z”l can attest to his sterling middos and his סבר פנים יפות to everyone. When his elderly mother, Bubby Leeder A”H moved to Lakewood and resided in Coventry Square, R’ Mordechai Z”l moved in with her and took care of her 24/7 literally. His worry for her and his concern for her every need during her last years was something out of the ordinary. I was in their house every week and I saw for my own eyes the way in which he took care of his mother A”H who was well over a 100 at that point. He was friendly with many of the families living in Coventry and even after they moved out he kept up with many of them.. R’ Mordechai Z”l was truly a נעים ביותר. I have no doubt that his כיבוד אם will serve as a tremendous zechus for him… תנצב”ה
Yoish. I was very friendly with R’ Mordy z”l. The last few years he was mamesh a ba’al yesurim Norah. I once told him he doesn’t have to come to Shul every day, he was in such pain. He looked at me like I fell off a wall. This is after he told me he had yeneh machleh twice, had liver disease, kidney failure and tremendous pain in his legs. And, still, je wouldn’t hear of not coming to Shul to daven with a minyan.
I would also like to mention, I’m so proud of my wonderful friends and neighbors, the Coventry Oilam in general and R’ Horowitz and his mispalelim in particular, who provided for R’ Mordy’s every need. From meals to meds and everything in between.
Der z’chus zuhl enk beishtein.
Does anyone know if he learned in Ner Yisroel in the ’70s ?
Thanks for sharing
Very sad to hear. Many years ago I was just a broken child when I lost a sibling and R Mordechai saw that it was very difficult for me , and by my brothers Shloshim I couldn’t bear the sadness to hear more hespeidim and I was just hanging out in the lobby. Many people tried convincing me to come inside and I refused. Mordechai came over to me just to have a Shmooz and tell me riddles and stories and that was exactly what I needed as a young boy. Yehi Zichro Baruch