We regret to inform you of the petirah of R’ Menachem Dovid Rosenthal z”l. He was in his upper nineties.
R’ Menachem Dovid was born in Hungray and survived the Nazi death camps before coming to the United States and opening a grocery store in Boro Park, which he ran for many years. He moved to Lakewood about 5 years ago, living by his son and davening at Khal Lev Avos.
The levaya will take place at 10:30 AM Sunday morning at the 7th Street Chapel, 613 Ramsey Avenue.
Shiva will be held at his son’s residence, 260 Oak Knoll Road in Lakewood.
Yehi zichro Baruch.
Oy! Such a loss. A yid that went to the mikvah every day until well into his nineties. Always with a big print tehillim in shul. Ah yid fuhn amuhl!
Who is his son?
I was zoche to get a bracha from him almost every shabbas.
we lost a giant!
our connection to ahmuliga tzadikim
but bh he left over children going in his ways!!
Baruch dayan haemes
What grocery did he own?
May the fanmily have a nechama
He owned ‘Good Food’ grocery on Ft Hamilton between 45 and 46