We regret to inform you of the Petirah of Reb Alechsander Apter Z’L, father of famed Lakewood Magid Shiur and Rav Harav Lazer Apter Shlita. Reb Alechsander Z’L, from London, England, was Niftar this morning after a brief illness.
UPDATE: Reb Lazer is sitting Shiva in England, and can be reached the following ways: Keep in mind England is 5 hours ahead.
Home: 011-44-208-800-0575
Cell: 011-44-790-838-8014 (don’t leave a message as they don’t get retrieved)
Fax: 011-44-208-802-7145
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.
i didnt know R Alecsander but if he was anything like his son then he was an extraordinary person
Growing up all my years in London together with R’ Lazer Shlita and davening in the same shul, if one would observe the way Reb Alechsander Zt”l davened – he was so full of “hergesh” when he davened. In general his avoda in Tefila was something that till today I remember. He was a huge talmid chochom who sat and learnt his whole life. His “eidelkeit” and middos Tovos were exceptional. Its a huge loss for London. Knowing and observing R’ Alechsander Zt”l as the person he was there is no wonder that he was zoicha to such gems ike R’ Lazer Shlita and R’ Lazer’s brother – R’ Kivi Shlita….. also a huge personality in E”Y. Our hearts go out to R’ Lazer Shlita.
Just for the record the final illness was breif but Reb Alecsander z”l suffered for many years with an illness that slowly had him deteriate. May he be a Meilitz Yosher for the whole family & gantz klal yisroel!
Reb Lazer will be sitting Shiva in England not Lakewood. Calls can be made to the Apter residence there.
Thanks for that info. Now we see why he was zoche to a son that is a gadol.
BDE. Rav Alechsander zt”l has a tremendous zechus that he has an odom gadol like R’ Leizer Shlit”a as a son. The zechus is multiplied many times over by the amount of Baalei Batim, talmidim and mispallelim that Rav Leizer has taken under his wings and totally changed. All these talmidim are now einiklach of the choshuver niftar. What a zechus…
Does the niftar also have a son in Harav Gradons Kollel in LA? Reb Yair?
To LA – it’s for sure not a son as R’ Lazer has only one brother that lives in EY. It may be a cousin to R Lazer if anything.
what about shiva information
yenta #6
Ask him when you call him to be menachem avel