Petirah of Naftoli Yankiver Z”L
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Where was he from ? Where does he lie now ?
I meant, live. Sorry.
Jog A Thon – Sponsor Me:
you mean מאין באתא ולאן אתה הולך?
whats the difference, it is a tragedy when anyone dies young, let alone a 31 year old. His family should have a nechama.
who is this? some details please
He was a Russian bochur who once learned in Peekskill and Belmar. He often davened in Regency Estates shul and Chateau Park. He was tall, dark haired, and a little reserved. He was employed by various frum businesses over the years. He was well liked by those who knew him. BDE.
Lived on Pine Blvd. Just saw him Thursday night at maariv. Terrible news. BDE
his family comes from Vinnitza, Ukraine , they live down RT.9 next to Regency development. his mother-Shifra, who i am sure many people know, is a very special person, who went thru many “nesoyons” in life it is a big tragedy
Naftali was a very nice person with fine middos, always wanting to help, kind word to everyone, easygoing and happy. Shifra his mother is a very, very special person, her life is full of bitachon, emunah and spiritual growth, may she have a Nechama, and may moshiach come speedily in our days.
Oy vet. Thats so sad. Thanx “Sad” and “Very Sad” for the info. I have a feeling I know him. And If this guy ever learnt by Tal Torah, R Amsel’s yeshiva, there’s a good chance he ate by me a Shabbos Seuda. What these families go theu to relocate to a foreign country is astounding. To have this bochur’s life end like this is devastating. BD”E.
Feel so bad, may his family have a nechama.
He never learned in Tal Torah ,
Learned in Peekskill yeshiva for 1 winter zman in ’99 ..then Belmar
Very special boy, went through a lot ..
Anyone who knew him , please come to the levaya at 11
What happened to him??
I knew Naftoli very well, and he even ate at our house last week shabbos!!! my heart goes out for his brave and courageous mother (Shifra) who lives her life thorugh bitachon and emunah.
For all thoes who have not have the zchus to meet Naftoli, you should know that he was a honest man the never did anything wrong to another soul. when he did a favor to someone it was done with all his heart. alwys with a smile, a kind word, and loved every jew with his whole heart.
please come to the levaya @ 11:00 today, lets all pay our last respects to his neshama.
look at the recent children tragedies Niftar over the last few weeks.
1)Daniel Tragerman-son of Doron and Gila of Israel-murdered by a Hamas mortar shell -August 22 2014-4
2)Aaron sofer-son of Moshe Zvi &Chulda of Lakewood -lost in Israeli forest on hike-August 23 2014-23
3)Rivka Weinman a”h-daughter of Shalom and Malky of lakewood-MVA in catskills-August 24 2014-5
(the list continues with many more children niftar young & in strange ways R”L)
Look at their young ages & the ways they were Niftar. do YOU think this is coincidence?
NO MORE SIGNS OF TRAGEDIES NEEDED FROM HASHEM if we all start teshuva now we won’t need any more of these tragic wake-up calls from Hashem
May his neshama have an Aliya
is he the guy who worked at srbr car repair in the mornings?
I think Shifra worked in R&S for many years back then…she is very special lady. Oy vey. So sad.
Please post shiva info
She did work for R&S. She also lost a child back in Russia many years ago.
So very sad prayers for family and friends
need father jewish name to be able to learn mishnios light candle etc please reply by e-mail if possible you can publish my e0mail
need father jewis name date he was niftar