We regret to inform you of the Petirah of Mrs. Shoshana Friedman A”H of Lakewood, who was Niftar today following a lengthy illness. She was 43.
Mrs. Friedman (nee Klugman) is the wife of Bentzy.
Other Aveilim are; Friedman, Klugman, Gartenberg and Hess.
The Levaya is scheduled to take place at 1:00 PM today at the 7th Street Chapel, with Kevurah in Lakewood.
Shiva is taking place at 23 Majestic Way, Lakewood.
Shachris 8:30 am, Mincha 1:45 pm, Maariv 9:00 pm.
Visitors are asked not to come after 10:30 pm.
The Aveilim will be getting up after Shachris on Tuesday.
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.
BDE what a tragic loss. Is there a link to the levaya?