We regret to inform you of the Petirah of Mrs. Shami Reinman A”H, who was Niftarah this evening following a lenghty illness.
Mrs. Reinman A”H, wife of Reb Yaakov Yosef, was approximately 60 years old.
The Levaya will be taking place at 10:30 AM Monday morning at Kol Aryeh, on Hope Chapel Road. The Kevurah will take place in Eretz Yisroel.
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes! Hashem should send his rachamim to the mamy many people feeling the immense grief from this tragedy.
May the RBS”A continue to give Rav Yaakov Yosef many koichos to continue his important avodas hakodesh. May the entire mishpacha find comfort in her memory.
Oy! Hashem Yerachem..
Her book was so inspiring. Boruch Dayan Ha’emes.
This is so sad on so many levels. This was a successful, upbeat, beloved & revered parent & teacher, respected by her peers & pupils alike, starts feeling strange, goes to the Doctor….the prognosis…..nebech ….. Read the book. Its amazing & inspiring. And what a beutiful Family. TZTZB”H.
BDE – What a wonderful, beautiful person. She will be very missed.
whats the name of the book? what is it about? I would like to read it. TNTZB”H
The name of the book is Upwords
There must be words to describe the amazing qualities that this tzadekes had – She was always dedicated to promoting love, accomplishment, supportiveness, and happy appreciation to her immediate family and her extended family. With a unique gift for tapping into each person’s needs, she was a true role model using her talents, encouraging each person to be the best they can be, to take heart, to hang in, and to give their utmost. Her ‘ibbergegebenkeit’ rang so true, that it was felt by all, and her gift of fun and laughter eased the strength of her perseverance and tenacity on behalf of her many students, friends, and family. May she be a mailitz yosher for everyone that she loved
Mrs. Reinman was vibrant individual who was a solid strong pillar. Just by being around her aura whether it was before her illness or during she was a chizuk, just by being her warm self. Her happiness was always apparent. It is no coincidence she was niftar during Adar a month which signifies happiness. May her impact she left here, lift her nishama
Any one have Shivah information??
Shiva is a 59 Steven Lane
After reading “Upwards,” and personally identifying with the book, I had the privelege of meeting Mrs. Reinman. Although she couldn’t speak at that time, I told her what pain I was in and how by her honesty in authoring her book, she gave me the Koach I needed.
She had a twinkle in her eyes and her beauty shown through her devastating illness.
May her husband, sister and children be comforted by the one above as only He can.