Petirah of Mrs. Ruth Siegel A”H

We regret to inform you of the Petirah of Mrs. Ruth Siegel A”H of Lakewood.

Ruth (Rivka Chana bas Osher Zelig Padawer), was originally from Brooklyn and resided in Lakewood for over 20 years.

She leaves behind her children; Esther Finkel (wife of Avrohom Yosef), Miriam Shapiro (wife of Shlomie Aryeh Shapiro), Sarah Neiman (wife of Yehudah), Shaindel Siegel, Yosef Seigel, Zev Seigel, and her brothers
Efraim Padawer (Lakewood), Moshe Padawer, and Baruch Padawer.

The Levaya is set to take place at 3:00 PM today at the 7th Street Chapel in Lakewood, with Kevurah in Lakewood.

Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.


104 Summit Ct, Lakewood.

Shachris 7:30
Mincha 20 minutes before Shkia, followed by Mariv
Shiva until 10:30pm

Getting up Sunday morning.

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  1. So sad. She and her husband A”H was a close friend of our family for many years. Started as a great babysitter, and the friendship continued for over 20 years. Always had a kind word, and always treated us with the utmost respect and loving kindness. Shaindel was always a great daughter, and it was always a highlight to visit them or have them over. Ruthie was always very proud of all her children. May Hashem watch over the family.

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