UPDATED: Petirah of Mrs. Ruchy Deutch A”H, Young Mother of 3

candleWe regret to inform you of the tragic Petirah of Mrs. Ruchy Deutch A”H, a young Lakewood mother who was Niftar this morning following an illness.

Mrs. Deutch A”H (Indig), wife of Reb Gavriel, was approximately 32. They are residents of the Raintree community.

She leaves behind three young children.

The Levaya will tentatively be taking place at 2 PM at the 7th Street Chapel. Kevurah will take place in the Vishnitz Bais Olam in Monsey, New York.

Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.

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  1. We are all in so much pain, Ruchy. You made such an impact on our lives here in Raintree. We learned together, davened and improved ourselves in the mitzvos that are special to women, and more. We raised tzedakah and thought of your Refuah at every turn – all as a zechus for your complete recovery. Hashem had other plans and we are weeping and trying to accept the numbing news of your passing. To Ruchy’s family ‘hamakom yinachem eschem besoch shaar avlei tzion veyurshalayim’.

  2. BDE

    What a terrible loss to Lakewood & to klal yisroel. I am crying tears of pain over our tremendous loss of such a special person.

    Perhaps its time we all faced reality & did teshuva together as a nation so this terrible tragedy doesn’t happen again anywhere in klal yisroel.

    Nothing is coincidence i.e. every tzara has a message straight from hashem.

    May her neshama have an aliya

  3. We cannot understand and will never know why, but we do know that we were brought together by you. We grew and grew and we keep on growing. Thank you for being our Korbon. We dont take it lightly and you together with all the teffilos that were said for you are in a special place in shomayim. May your family (we are your family) know no more pain. May your memory be an eternal source of bracha and may you keep on shining down from heaven the same way you shined on all of us down here.
    I cry, then I laugh, then I cry again.

  4. please post my comment TLS its someones true opinion & can help stop the tzaros in klal yisroel.

    it will be a chillul Hashem if it gets posted on social media instead with the whole world seeing it

  5. Dear Reuven. There is nothing you know more than any of us do. This is a terrible tragedy and each individual should make their own cheshbon hanefesh. Threatening to make a chilul Hashem on social media and then placing the responsibility on TLS is one area you can use improvement. May we all see the yeshua of binyan Bais hamikdash in our days.

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