We regret to inform you of the Petirah of Mrs. Esther Shulamis Bleier A”H, the daughter of Hagain Rav Yonason Steif ZT”L. She was almost 104.
Mrs. Bleier A”H, who resided in Lakewood, is survived by her sons; R’ Nosson (Lakewood), R’ Michoel (Boro Park), and R’ Yisrael (Montreal), and by many grandchildren.
The Levaya is scheduled to take place at 1:00 PM Sunday at the 7th Street Chapel, 613 Ramsey Avenue.
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.
Is there a way to watch the levaya online?
There may be. They installed cameras there for that. Contact the family. (There may also be replay available)
Where is the family sitting shiva?