Petirah of Mrs. Eileen Bookman A”H

candleWe regret to inform you of the Petirah of Mrs. Eileen Bookman A”H, following a lengthy illness.


Mrs. Bookman A”H, wife of R’ Yaakov, (Bookman’s Meat) was 53 years old.

The Levaya will be taking place at the 7th Street Chapel at 9:30 PM tonight. The Kevurah will be in the nearby Bais Olam.

Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.

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  1. Eileen was a woman who exhibited pure Simchas Hachayim, no matter what life threw her way. It was truly an honor and a privilege to know this special woman.

  2. I received a text message from Lakewood Scoop at 3:04 of the petira of Elaine,who is Yanky’s mom & then at 3:14 of the petira of Eilenn. Phone calls were made to verify information before contacting people. I think you should issue an apology & be more careful with your reporting. BDE.She was a dear friend of my family. Just a sweet,nice person. Our condolencesa to Yanky & his family.

  3. To # 7

    The information we initially sent out was based on information we received from a source involved with the family. Unfortunately, they confused the similar names. We apologize if it caused you any worries.


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