We regret to inform you of the Petirah of Mrs. Eileen Bookman A”H, following a lengthy illness.
Mrs. Bookman A”H, wife of R’ Yaakov, (Bookman’s Meat) was 53 years old.
The Levaya will be taking place at the 7th Street Chapel at 9:30 PM tonight. The Kevurah will be in the nearby Bais Olam.
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.
What a loss! My heart goes out to the entire family. May they know no more tzoros
Was she the lady that stood by the register at Bookmans?
Eileen was a woman who exhibited pure Simchas Hachayim, no matter what life threw her way. It was truly an honor and a privilege to know this special woman.
Does anyone know if there will be some kind of hookup for her friends and family that can’t make it to Lakewood tonight?
bde may the family know of no more sorrows
I received a text message from Lakewood Scoop at 3:04 of the petira of Elaine,who is Yanky’s mom & then at 3:14 of the petira of Eilenn. Phone calls were made to verify information before contacting people. I think you should issue an apology & be more careful with your reporting. BDE.She was a dear friend of my family. Just a sweet,nice person. Our condolencesa to Yanky & his family.
No, she did not work at the register in Bookman’s.
To # 7
The information we initially sent out was based on information we received from a source involved with the family. Unfortunately, they confused the similar names. We apologize if it caused you any worries.
very fine sweet person always upbeat bde
Thank you for your apology. It is understandable how that happened. We forgive you & look forward to sharing only simchas.
Any shiva info?
Yes an old lakewood family from the days of BHDS Is his father still around ?
BDE. May Yanky and the family not know of any more tsoros and should be blessed with simchos
Does anyone have the info for Shiva?
#13 — What is BHDS ?
BHDS betzalel hebrew day school ??
to #13 sam-yes his parents live in Highland Park & have been in Florida since last month.
Does anyone have address of where family is sitting shiva ?
Added of shiva?
1496 pine park ave
730 shachris
530 mincha and maariv after
Any shiva info for the women