We regret to inform you of the Petirah of Mrs. Edna Braude A”H, who was Niftar last night in Lakewood. Mrs. Braude A”H, 89, is the mother of Askan R’ Avi Braude.
The Levaya will be taking place at 12 noon at the 7th Street Chapel. Kevurah will take place in Eretz Yisroel.
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.
Shiva will take place at 21 14th Street, Lakewood:
Shachris – 7:45
Mincha – 15 min Before Shkiah, followed by Maariv.
she was a queen.
She was also the sister of R’ Chaim Englard from BMG
Also mother of R’ Yithchok Gabbai of the Gerrer Rebba
She was also the mother of Mrs. Kranie Silver, R’ Yaakov Braude, & Mrs. Chava Miriam Neustadt
Are they having anything in Brooklyn
I think 4pm in JFK ELAL
CONFIRMED: JFK 4pm ELAL Cargo B, Building #23
Oish, Nebech, What a loss. I used to see her very often when she was by her son HaTZaddik HaGadol HaKAdosh R’ Avi (Askan doesnt quite cut it) Shlit”a – She takeh was a queen. Always smiling and with something nice to say at all times. She’s also the mother of Rebbitzen Neustadt, A revered and respected Menaheles in Toronto. There’s also a son in Flatbush, a Tayere guy. Plz post Levaya and Shiva info. Thx.
Shachris – 7:45
Mincha – 15 min before shkiah followed by maariv
Shiva – till 11 pm
Getting up Tues morning
Bsuros tovos
Such a special, nice and caring woman.