We regret to inform you of the Petirah of Mrs. Clarice Brand A”H (Chaya bas Yedidya Leiber) of Long Beach, NY.
She is the mother of Yoel Brand (Lakewood), Bill Brand, & Lisa Yarmak A”H.
The Levayah and Kevurah will be at Mount Hebron Cemetery, Queens, NY.
Shiva details:
Wednesday through Friday:
Shiva will be at:
1458 Pine Park Avenue
Lakewood, NJ
Motzai Shabbos through Tuesday morning, Shiva will be at:
10 Sycamore Lane
Suffern, NY
Shachris 8:00 am
Mincha 8:10 pm
Maariv 8:35 pm
Friday Mincha 1:40 pm
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.