Petirah of Longtime Lakewood Resident Mr. Kurt Oppenheimer Z”L

We regret to inform you of the Petirah of longtime Lakewood resident Mr. Kurt Oppenheimer Z”L, who was Niftar this evening.

Mr. Oppenheimer Z”L was a resident of Lakewood prior to Rav Ahron ZT”L’s arrival, and was the proprietor of the Oppenheimer’s Regis Hotel in Fleischman, NY for nearly 70 years. He was 98.

He leaves behind his wife, Greta, and two sons; Yechiel and Asher.

The Levaya is scheduled to take place at 10:30 AM Thursday at the Chapel, 613 Ramsey Avenue, Lakewood, with Kevurah in Paramus.

Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.

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  1. Mr. Oppenheimer
    עליו השלום

    He was a man of peace.
    איש שלום
    He got along with everyone. He did not have any enemies. He was also a very honest business man.

  2. Oppenheimers, Ah Oppenheimers! A place where people – thanks to this amazing man- and he had Arichas Yomim due to the special person that he was – would take care of so many families the way vacations were once meant to be. You would come there to relax – to be pampered – to have Mr Oppenheimer personally take care of your needs – to sit in a Seforim packed Bais Medrash and be amongst so many special people! – to sit by the pool and relax even more and more! Innocent and the way things are meant to be. thank you Mr Oppenheimer for all you did for Klal Yisroel! may you be a Mailitz Yosher for your Rebetzin and amazing sons who carry on your amazing legacy and special ways…………

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