We regret to inform you of the Petirah of Hayaled Baruch Dov Edelman A”H, who was suddenly Niftar in Lakewood this morning.Baruch Dov A”H, one, is the son of Reb Chaim Zev of Yeshivas Toras Zev.
The Kevurah will be taking place at 1 PM at the 7th Street Bais Olam.
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.
Shiva will take place at 108 Chateau. Shachris will be 7:30, Mincha 1:30, and Maariv 7:30.
BDE may hashem comfort the choshuva family, and may they see no more tzar
Such nice fine people! The family should have a Nechama
such a beautiful family.
Very sad for a very special family
May they have a nechama