Petirah of Hayeled Alter Yerachmiel Gordon Z”L

It is with great sadness we inform you of the Petirah of Hayeled Alter Yerachmiel Gordon Z”L, of Lakewood.

Alter Yerachmiel Z”L, son of R’ Sruly and Yocheved, suffered from the Machlah for approximately four years. He was 9.

The Levaya is scheduled to take place at 11:00 AM at the 7th Street Chapel.

Zoom information:

Passcode: 325820

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Webinar ID: 882 5775 7666

Passcode: 325820

Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.

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  1. Yerachmiel we will miss you so much! You were our inspiration- Always with a smile no matter what you were going through! Everyone who met you fell instantly in love with you- Your smile-Simcha’s Hachaim – Love of Life was contagious! Now, Together with Zaidy storm the gates of shamayim and Beg Hashem for Moshiach so we can be together again! May you parents who stood by your side doing everything they possibly can – confined to a hospital room months at a time be comforted!

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