We regret to inform you of the Petirah of Hayeled Aharon Weiss A”H, who was Niftar following an illness R”L.
Aharon, 18 months old, is the son R’ Naftali and Mrs. Etya Weiss of Lakewood.
The parents will be sitting Shiva in Manhattan until Sunday morning at 441 West End Avenue, corner of 81st Street, and then in Brooklyn until Tuesday morning at 1040 East 27th Street (Between J and K).
Hamakom Yenachem Eschem B’soch She’ar Aveilei Tzion V’yerushalayim.
Special family , we had Ahron in our tefillin every day and it’s heartbreaking to bear such a loss . May the abishter give strength to the mishpacha and baby Ahron meshama should have an Aliya
oy! oy! oy!