Pete Hegseth Sworn in as Secretary of Defense

Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth was sworn into his new role leading America’s 3.5 million service members and civilians by Vice President JD Vance this morning, following Hegseth’s Friday evening Senate confirmation.

“When President Trump chose me for this position, the primary charge he gave me was to bring the warrior culture back to the Department of Defense,” Hegseth said during his Jan. 14 confirmation hearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee.

“He, like me, wants a Pentagon laser-focused on lethality, meritocracy, warfighting, accountability and readiness.”

Hegseth listed restoring the warrior ethos, rebuilding the military and reestablishing deterrence as the ingredients needed to bring back warfighting.

Calling himself a change agent, Hegseth outlined a vision of a culture of accountability, high standards, performance, readiness, rapid innovation and merit across the Defense Department.

“We share the same goals,” he told the committee. “A ready, lethal military; the health and well-being of our troops; and a strong and secure America.”

He also said he would trim the bureaucracy and reallocate resources to the warfighter.

“We won World War II with seven four-star generals,” he said. “Today we have 44. … There is an inverse relationship between the size of staffs and victory on the battlefield. We do not need more bureaucracy at the top. We need more warfighters empowered at the bottom. So, it is going to be my job … to identify those places where fat can be cut, so it can go toward lethality.”

A former Army National Guard officer, Hegseth, 44, served as an infantryman leading troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and guarding detainees at Guantanamo Bay. His military awards include two Bronze Star Medals, the Joint Commendation Medal, two Army Commendation Medals, the Combat Infantryman Badge and the Expert Infantryman Badge.

Hegseth said his role as the 29th secretary of defense is “the most important deployment of my life.”

Hailing from Minnesota, Hegseth graduated from Princeton University in 2003 and earned a master’s degree from Harvard University in 2013. He has led organizations advocating for veterans, served as a Fox News host and published several books.

Hegseth and his wife, Jennifer, have seven children.

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  1. thank the lord! Hashem has sent us people with the right hashkafa to be in charge of our country!! may Hashem continue to send us good people to take charge, and may Hashem bless Pete and help him succeed in his mission!

  2. New Defense Secretary Promises to Faithfully Fulfill His Duty of Defending President Trump
    Affirming his decade-long aspiration to Defend Donald J. Trump from his sworn political enemies, New Defense Secretary, Pete Hegseth, told reporters on Saturday that, under his leadership, “the Department of Defense will be fully equipped to defend the President from his most nefarious enemies who currently reside inside congress and the mainstream media.”
    “For too long,” Mr. Hegseth said, “Mr. Trump has been targeted by dangerous political enemies who seek to destroy his political career, while our ill-equipped defense dept. lacks the political weaponry to defend the President from full-blown political, partisan offensives!”
    “However,” Mr. Hegseth pledged, “I am going to trim the Defense Department bureaucracy and reallocate its political resources for the purpose of defending Mr. Trump from his avowed enemies, the likes of CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times and Congressional Democrats.”
    “Never again,” Mr. Hegseth pledged, “will the President be forced to go to battle with dangerous political enemies that bring weapons of mass impeachments to the battlefield while the Defense Department lacks the political armaments and PR weaponry to protect the Commander in Chief from massive partisan attacks.”

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