“People Wonder Why I’m Still Not Married. If Only They Knew”

[COMMUNICATED] What is your earliest childhood memory? Can you recall it? Maybe it’s ripping open a special birthday present, or your first time seeing snow. For most of us, warm memories slide through the projector of our minds, blurring between fact and fiction.

Esti’s first memory is unusually vivid. She was kicking and screaming in a nurse’s arms, her throat hurting from exertion and her face wet. An elevator opened, and the nurse carried her inside despite her protests. Esti was looking at a frail woman in the hospital bed, saying something to her, tears streaming down her anguished face. The elevator closed. 

It was the last time Esti saw her mother.  

That was over 20 years ago. But the memory of being taken away from her dying mother still haunts Esti’s dreams almost every night. She has shared the personal account with very few individuals: Her chosson, her older sister who raised her when their father died. She has also shared her story with Rav Ezrachi, who has taken on her case as if she were his own child. Rav Ezrachi is raising money for the parentless Esti to get married, as well as several other orphans whom he has taken under his wing. He urges the Klal to help these poor children get married this winter in a moving video



*Details have been changed to protect the families’ privacy.


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