People CAN change: Most Inspirational Story before Yom Kippur

[COMMUNICATED] Rabbi Twerski shares a glimpse into the intimate struggle of frum Jews that are addicted to schmutz. Find out how thousands of frum Jews have made teshuvah and regained control before it was too late. 

By: Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski, MD 

For the last 40 years, I’ve been helping members of the Jewish community to overcome their addictions. One of the problems I’ve been asked to help with most is an addiction to viewing inappropriate materials.  

Having been involved so deeply with this epidemic in the Jewish community, I can’t describe how excited I am to share with you a proven solution that I’ve come across that has helped thousands to break free. is an anonymous internet community & recovery program designed specifically to help members of the frum community to regain their purity and set themselves free from the grips of shmutz addiction. 

Today, over 25,000 have joined the GuardYourEyes community to seek treatment and support. From my experience, I know that this is just the beginning. There are FAR MORE Jews that struggle with shmutz dependency at different levels.  

If you’d like to get a glimpse into what so many Jewish men are facing today, I’m sure you’ll appreciate this video where Moshe tells his personal story:   


[voice has been slightly altered to mask identity]   

The GuardYourEyes project is truly a pikuach nefesh – the future of Klal Yisrael depends on it.  

Currently, GuardYourEyes is running a fundraising campaign to get enough resources to help all the new members that are joining each day. If you can see the value in this cause, then I’d sincerely appreciate if you would open your heart and give generously to help them continue their holy work. 

All of their services are free of charge and it’s a great mitzvah to support them. Right now, during the days of repentance, your support means more than ever. Today is the last day of their campaign! Donate and share the merit of the teshuvah of thousands of Jews.


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