Pedestrian in Critical Condition After Being Struck by Vehicle on Rt. 9 in Howell

A pedestrian was critically injured in an accident on Route 9 in Howell, Prosecutor Raymond S. Santiago announced today.

On Tuesday, January 7, at approximately 4:50 a.m., members of the Howell Township Police Department responded to the area of US Route 9 and Strickland Road for a vehicle-versus-pedestrian crash.

A preliminary investigation revealed that a male driver was travelling southbound in the right lane of Route 9 when a collision with a 77-year-old male from Howell Township occurred.

As a result, the pedestrian was taken to a local hospital, where he is in critical condition suffering from multiple injuries.

The driver remained on scene and was cooperative with law enforcement officers.

An investigation involving members of the Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office, Monmouth County Serious Collision Analysis Response Team (SCART), and the Howell Township Police Department remains active and ongoing. Anyone with information about this matter is being asked to contact MCPO Detective Nicolas Logothetis at 800-533-7443 or Howell Township Police Department Patrolman Michael Silvani at 732-938-4111.

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