Patient Extricated from Overturned Vehicle on Cedarbridge Ave (VIDEO & PHOTOS)

imageA person was hospitalized after being extricated from an overturned vehicle this morning.

The two-vehicle accident occurred around 9 AM at the intersection of Oberlin Avenue and Cedarbridge Avenue.

Upon arrival, police and emergency personnel found a patient pinned inside the overturned vehicle and called for the extrication team – comprised of Hatzolah and Lakewood First Aid members.

The patient was cut from the vehicle and then transported to JSUMC with paramedics, officials said. Other injuries were not serious

Police have partially shut down the area as the scene is cleared.




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  1. i work on that block, and I got to tell you, that’s a dangerous intersection, if you making a left turn onto Oberlin. Oncoming cars are going at high speed. I would like to suggest that they make a left turn lane and light…

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