Passports, Jewelry & Cash Stolen In Burglary At Tiferes Bnos Yaakov Seminary

Tiferes Bnos Yaakov Seminary in Israel, a home away from home for many Lakewood and other American girls, was burglarized this Shabbos, TLS has learned. Sources say most girls went away for Shabbos, with about 10 girls remaining in the school’s dormitory.

While the students were asleep Friday night, the dorm was burglarized – with the burglar rummaging through the rooms, and breaking into the school’s safe.

The burglar reportedly made away with digital cameras and other electronics, jewelry, passports, social security documents and about $35,000 in cash.

Police responded to the school Sunday, and are investigating the incident. TLS-CCP/ News Breakers.

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  1. Is this really Lakewood news? Or is it just to fill up an empty sapce in the 24-7 news cycle? Yes, there is happiness and sadness, simchos and levayos on a daily basis, as well as fortunes made and firtunes lost every day, but is that actually news?? Reminds me of “Ein Kol Chadash Tachas Hashemesh”.

    Burglaries in Israel are SO extremely common that they really aren’t news, especially for someone who has lived there and familiar with the commonality. Bochurim living in diras in Israel have been hit by burglars dozens and dozens of times and while all are aware of this, sadly only some are really carefull about protecting their “homes” and valuables inside. Friday night and YomTov nights are by far the most likely tmes for robberies, as most bochurim, as well as seminary girls, are out eating with others. Locking up doors and windows – even floors above ground – is a bare minimum, while window bars, deadbolt locks, and extra lighting is always suggested to boost security. Some have even added video cameras to view and record any activity.

  2. #1 – Your daughter is obviously not there now. But some of us do have our daughters there. Though, I suppose we would have found out in any case. 🙁

  3. whats wrong with you, you dont care about other people, so it happens all the time, does that mean we dont care? does 2 wrongs make a right???????????????????????????????????

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