Parshas Kedoshim: Rebbe Akiva Eiger – If You Have Love You Have Everything

rebbe akiva eigerThe gemara in Shabbos says that “V’Ahavta L’Reiacha Kamocha” (Kedoshim 19:18) is the whole Torah. The rest is just an explanation. What does this mean? This Mitzva may explain Mitzvos Bain Adam L’Chaveiro but what does ti have to do with Shofar, Tefilin, etc.? Rebbi Akiva Eiger answers that the gemara Sanhedrin 27b says that the pasuk in the Tochacha (Bechukosai 26:37) that says “V’Kashlu Ish B’Achiv” means each person will stumble when his friend does an aveira. We are all guarantors for each other. Therefore if you love your friend you will not cause him harm by forgoing mitzvos or doing aveiros. Once you accept upon yourself not to harm your friends best interest, you have accepted the entire Torah. Now you just need to go out and learn what it is you must and mustn’t do. Revach

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  1. Please Rabbosei
    Let us all remember we are children from the same Father
    May we all love, respect and tolerate each other
    A gutten Shabbos Kodesh to Klal Yisroel

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