A parent of a child who was just accepted to a Yeshivah Yesterday, after being rejected in all four Yeshivahs they applied to, has asked TLS to post the following: We would like to publicly thank the Askonim involved who worked tirelessly to achieve the best possible resolution for our child. Specifically, we would like to thank R’ Yossi Atlas and R’ Benny Heineman for their tremendous Mesiras Nefesh and hard work. May The Ribbono Shel Olam give you the strength and ability to continue helping the Tzibbur for many years to come.
Parents Of Boy Accepted To School Yesterday, Thanks Askonim
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why arent you thanking the yreshiva that accepted yoyr son?
Maybe they not thanking the Yeshiva cause they didn’t take there kid till now and they would of not taken the kid if not for these people….Think it is crazy that a kid is not is School and it after Succos………THIS GOT 2 CHANGE
Its a disgrace that this took so long.Lakewood should create a task force on how to solve this problem.Evreyone has to wake up and face reality.
Maybe Benny took him in himself
Rabosai . At the Twp Planning Board meeting this Tuesday ,the Twp Planner stated some raw statistics . He said thaT AS OF ALMOST 3 YEARS AGO ,there were over 3000 births in Lakewood annually . I would venture that 90 % are our Kehila. I would also venture that within the next year or 2 that number of births is going to be close to 4,000 annually . That translates into approximately 150 primary classes being born annually . I would guess that at this time we have schools for MAyBE half of these kids ( if that many ) . Im sure in 5 or 6 years when there is no school for some of these kids ,like this story ,then these same bloggers ,who have done nothing to create the new schools needed ,will once again scream about the terrible people runnung the schools and how we have to stop giving them money etc etc .
Rabosai we know now that the shortage of classes in a few years is going to be tremendous and yet all we choose to do is bury our heads in the sand and curse out the few school owners who tried to do something ,but obviously cant make enough place for everybody ,
Its a shame on our entire kehila for not thinking about our childrens future . The worst part is that by cvursing out the people who have made the schools and making it sound like this is somehow their problem ,we are creating a situation where most normal people dont want to get involved in order not to be called all kinds of names
This type of blogger response is responsible for making people think twice before opening up a school
Hey TLS . This guy is right . If we see that there are 150 classes born every year we got to do something to build schools NOW . Why isnt TLS making a big deal out of this .Its going to be crazy in a few years with no dschools for many kids
Just look at Simcha list every week and you can see what is going on. And they don’t include all the simcha’s KY”H. It’s at least a class full on most weeks. Wait 2-3 years and the girls HS’s issue will get much worse – look at the 5-6-7th grades now and see how many classes there are.
Why was a boy not in school until now? so many questions I have now
Most peope dont thank the schol that took their child . Thery just blive it is their right to get in and they are doing the school a favor by going
Right now the birth rate is already between 2 and 2.4 classes per week . In 3 years it will certainly be at 3 CLASSES PER WEEK . Vos farshteis du nisht . Lets keep doing nothing and just keep blaming it on the poor guy that made a school and is full overnight . Its always his fault . Thats a recipe to make sure that nobody will ever want to make more schools .
In 2 to 3 years the girsl Hs issue is going to be out of control . I know of a few people that were thinking of opening up ,but when they saw all the bizyonos and name calling that the existing schools get for not having enough space for everybody and also figured out that they will lose money forever due to low tuitions ,they dropped the idea like a hot potato .
keep in mind that from the 3000 births etc… most are siblings to kids already in school ,
there is a problem but its not as big as it sounds
Your siblings comment is not entirely true . First of all ,because of the growth ,there are several schools that already have more siblings applying every year ,than they have slots . Some schools are already starting to turn away some siblings for lack of space . Right now its only on a small scale but Im sure that in 5 years ,many siblings will have problems too .
Second of all make a cheshbon . There are about 400 girls graduating Hs in Lakewood now . Therefore there are at least another 400 bots graduating high school . That means 800 chasunahs within the next few years . Those newlyweds children will not be siblings anywhere .
I believe that in the 5th grades we have about 1200 to 1400 kids between boys and girls . That means in 9 to 10 years 1200 to 1400 chasunahs resulting in thousands of non siblings . We need to make dozens and dozens of new schools for these kids . why do we only plan for our housing needs ? The state is smart enough to tell us to plan for 20 years of housing needs . Why arent we smart enough to plan for our childrens chinuch needs ? I guess we just dont care . Most people think there will always be some fool who will make a aschool for them and when there isnt enough space ,they can always run to the Rosh yeshivas and tell them that the Rosho who made last years school ,better take their child in ,even if he is full
Bring Rabbi Gelley back, busha what was done to him and Unnecessary loss for the Kehilah
To Bnos Chayil parent:
The issue is not a lack of qualified mechanchim or mechanchos . We can find them and train them . The issue is a lack of planning and lack of communal funding in order to create schools ,that due to the nature of the low tuitions we can afford , will always be money losers . We also create barriers for people who want to open new schools ,by making the school owners responsible for the community rapid growth ,which is ludicrous .
If somebody wants to be mezake es herabim and open a new school but for personal and financial reasons ,limit it to 2 parallel classes ,he should be encouraged and commended .
Yet when he does that and his classes afre actually fuller than he really wants , he is called all kinds of names because he doesnt solve the towns problems by either stuffing more kids intio his already overcrowded classes .oir just continuing to expand and go even further into debt to do that . No woinder the next guy sees that and will think twice or 3 times before doing the same thing
Bnos Chayil parent
What was done to Rabbi Gelley ? As far as I know nothing other thasn the fact that he ran out of money ,which basically happens to every High School in Lakewood . Most of them somehow manage to keep schnorring and borrowing and accumulating large debts and he just couldnt . Cant really blame him
Raboisai If we dont sart taxing ourselves to fund new schools ,we may as well all start moving out of town . There are probably close to 2,000 boys and girls in playgroups ,soon going into primary . Just think for a second what will happen ,when these kids ,especially the girls ,graduate elementary school and try to find a high school .
there are some very capable good people.that actually have chinuch experience that are working on the girls high school problem.if all goes as planned we will be ok for the next 10 years.we can only take it one day at a time.this is what happens when a town grows out of control with no thought to consequences.please find me one more town or city in this country in recent history that has grown so quickly.cheap housing+influx of families+need for schools-school vouchers+high taxes=disaster.but its not too late we can still save our town if we put an end to growing with no forethought.smart growth is just propaganda language.true smart growth sometimes requires pruning(HA)i suggest each township committee member buy a copy of the simcity video game and play until they learn what a ramification is.
What school did he get into?
This has nothing to do with the Twp Commitee . as long as we get another 600 hundred bochurim entering BMG every zman ,thats 1200 a year , we will have growth and somehow people will live anywhere in town .
I was told by an Askan that we will need at least another 20 high school classes for the next 10 years .As it is I was told we have a net deficit of 4 classes this year as the only way we are managing is that a few of the schools have unusually large class sizes . If every school had the optimum class size of 25 like the elementary schools have ,then we would need about 18 or 19 classes for next year .I think there are only a total of 13 or 14 classes between all the high schools . So you could open 2 new schools just to take the pressure of the existing overcrowded schools ,without even making a dent in helping out for any future growth . Amazing .
i spoke to rr about the school problem.she said this town ended up getting people that they never wanted to move here so what are we supposed to do? so how about we take a deep breath.stop any further large developments.repair what we have.build up our resources and grow a little slower,just like our economy is.lakol zman voais.this is now ais lets take a chill pill
600 bochurim have *never* entered BMG in a single zman. We’ll barely have a net gain of 600 students this year from both enrollment periods together. Only ~400 bochurim took farhers this zman.
Even a net gain of 600 a year is huge. 600 times 10 years is 6000 that will for the most part marry and stay here. Basically doubling the family total in 10 to 12 years on its own without any births taken into consideration.
I’m not sure who rr is. While there are some people that have moved in from out of town it is a very small percentage. The vast majority of the growth is people who came to BMG and stayed so if there are a large number of those that are not wanted by RR ( whoever that is although I have a suspicion ) many of them undoubtedly first started out at least for a short time in Bmg.
rr = rebitzin rishel
anonymous says:
October 16, 2009 at 3:21 pm
i spoke to rr about the school problem.she said this town ended up getting people that they never wanted to move here so what are we supposed to do? so how about we take a deep breath.stop any further large developments.repair what we have.build up our resources and grow a little slower,just like our economy is.lakol zman voais.this is now ais lets take a chill pill
This is america not russia and not some shtetil with a shtetil mantality . anyone and everyone is welcome to this town regardless of yichus, race, color , gender or martial status or financial statrus or minhagim
You are technically correct . Everybody may move to Twp of Lakewood . The problem is that they are not moving with the intent of going to Lalewood Twp public schools . They are moving with an understanding that they have a sense of entitlement to send their children to any of Lakewoods existing Chinuch Mosdos .
Now please note that many and most ,of the Mosdos were formed by private individuals and groups of parents ,with the purpose of espousing a certain Yeshivishe type of sheltered Chinuch . These Mosdos have all the right to not allow ,new people ,who do not necessary shate their goals and agendas for Chinuch . To attend their schools .
It would be perfectly fine if these ‘Non Shtetel ” people ,as you call them ,would move here and found there own communities and Mosdos of Chinuch . But when they fight their way into the existing Mosdos that really werent made for their agenda ,that is when people take exception . Our Mosdos are not the Twp public Schools and they should not feel a sense of entitlement to be accepted to these Mosdos ,just because they happen to live in the municipal borders of Lakewood Twp .
I think this is a very rational point which has been overlooked for too long . Many of our Mosdos are changing drastically in tyheir makeup ,due to the influx of people that do not really share the goals and aspirations of the original founders of these Mosdos .
We are not saying Ch”v that the newcomers are bad . Not at all . They might be big Tzadikim . But they dont automatically get a right to send their kids to our Mosdos and change our Mosdos ,by virtue of having the right to move here .
not true the people arent given enough freedom to start mosdos
yes rr is who you say. her own sons are responsible kain yirbu for all the growth of this here town kain yirbu.but maybe now we just need a little rest from all this expanding and need to deal with what we have.we are a very large community kain yirbu.and like to real askan said there are many new people moving here now that are not aspiring to the same lifestyle as the original people that established the moisdos of this town.and even those that are aspiring have no place to send their children yet.we have geferliche traffic.a filthy downtown.run down houses everywhere lets fix them up.make more schools.if people cant find a place to live here they will make nice communities in manalapan toms river jackson.and they will make small schools there that will grow kain yirbu.we might even decide to move there if it becomes a nice place to live.nobody is saying these new people should move to omaha or wyoming we are talking a few minutes away.and the buillders will have even more opportunities to build for them there kain yirbu
To Mr 12:19
I respectfully disagree. There is full freedom to start any Mosad. All you need is the money to hire qualified staff. You don’t need any bodies haskoma. Try it and you will see. Its total nonsense to think that somebody will stop you.
We are not saying Ch”v that the newcomers are bad . Not at all . They might be big Tzadikim . But they dont automatically get a right to send their kids to our Mosdos and change our Mosdos ,by virtue of having the right to move here
It is people such as yourself who are responsible for making a split in klall yisroel.
When your grandfather came off the boat did someone as yourself approach him and say that although your a tzadik you dont have a right to feel that you can just come into OUR city and OUR mosdos . Go back to europe where you came from! Think what you are sayoing here.
How does any place start up with out new people ? lakewood wasnt always a place for frum ehriliche yidden and neither was monsey , brooklyn or La. who are you to say to anyone that you maybe a tzadik but you are not welcome into out shtut and ouit mosodos. You dont sound much different from the nazis
Mr Kain Yirbu.
Please stop dreaming about yidden moving to Manalapan or Jackson or Toms River. Its not going to happen. There is no more land available for developments and the locals don’t want you. You might find a handful of houses on different street but never anything that can make even a small viable kehila. Its also very expensive in most Nj towns. The only place you might find opportunities for housing are in Newark or Trenton or other inner cities but I doubt you want to live there.
If you think that just because you call people names like Nazi , it will make people agree with your warped way of thinking , you are wrong.
Most people would understand that if a fine ,ehrliche Modern orthodox yid from the five towns would move into Kiryas yoel or New Square , that he should not expect to send his daughters or sons to the local cheder unless he makes a lot of changes to his lifestyle. According to you any yid moving anywhere has an entitlement to send his kids where he wants even if his lifestyle is totally diFferent than the locals. On this point most people would disagree with you. Especially in Lakewood where there is no community school but only privately founded Moisdos ,they certainly have the right to decide what their Mosad should look like and calling them or me Nazis is not going to make you right.
Real Askan.
You are way off base. if you think that if tomorrow a group of 50 five towns parents with kids in Haftr move to Lakewood for cheap housing , that they have aright to automatically attend Kamenitz or Yeshiva Ketanah or Talmud Torah or even the Cheder etc etc. Then you are smoking something interesting
to 2:04 am?
i know many builders that have the desire to build in howell and jackson .each town has mandates to provide low income housing, and 90 percent of their land has not been developed.as opposed to lakewood that currently has only 7% of its land undeveloped and not slated for development.the reason they wont build is because there are no schools and busing is not available for free to lakewood.so there you have it.it all boils down to a small inconvenience.busing.and the desire to be close to bmg.and that is what they are afraid of.that someone will open a big yeshiva in howell and compete with them as the worlds biggest yeshiva.remember when the mir wanted to come to upstate new york?who chased them away?and no the people that took it upon themselves to open schools are not nazis.they truly tried to solve the problem. be strong fellas help is on the way.
To real askan says:
October 18, 2009 at 2:13 am
If you think that just because you call people names like Nazi , it will make people agree with your warped way of thinking , you are wrong.
Most people would understand that if a fine ,ehrliche Modern orthodox yid from the five towns would move into Kiryas yoel or New Square , that he should not expect to send his daughters or sons to the local cheder unless he makes a lot of changes to his lifestyle. According to you any yid moving anywhere has an entitlement to send his kids where he wants even if his lifestyle is totally diFferent than the locals. On this point most people would disagree with you. Especially in Lakewood where there is no community school but only privately founded Moisdos ,they certainly have the right to decide what their Mosad should look like and calling them or me Nazis is not going to make you right.
As long as you are accepting money from the government, which most schools do then you have no right to decide who is a tzadik enough to be able to go to your school
To real askan says:
October 18, 2009 at 2:38 am
Real Askan.
You are way off base. if you think that if tomorrow a group of 50 five towns parents with kids in Haftr move to Lakewood for cheap housing , that they have aright to automatically attend Kamenitz or Yeshiva Ketanah or Talmud Torah or even the Cheder etc etc. Then you are smoking something interesting
I find it very interesting that you pick one place that you have a bone to pick with and thats the 5 towns . Lets pick boro park ,monsey flatbush or passaic. I know families from all thos places who had to leave lakewood because no school wanted them . Since when did hashem offer the torah only to lakewooders or to outsiders who had to pay big $$$ to get in to har sinai. You will have a loong cheshbon to deal with when u pass on . trust me !
Anonymous says:
October 18, 2009 at 1:52 am
To Mr 12:19
I respectfully disagree. There is full freedom to start any Mosad. All you need is the money to hire qualified staff. You don’t need any bodies haskoma. Try it and you will see. Its total nonsense to think that somebody will stop you.
Let me tell you a little secret. Its not as simple as you make it out to be . For one if you dont have the haskama of BMG then you will be a failure in opening a school. Try it and YOU wil see.
Anon 12:15 PM
Your reasoning about accepting money from the government is totally ludicrous for many reasons.
First of all most schools get a few dollars in textbook money not much else. Secondly according to your reasoning the government doesn’t discriminate between shomer shabbos or girls with pants or mixed classes so we should have to take mechallei shabbos and short sleeves and girls into the boys mesivtas. If government money is the criteria then everybody without any exception must be accepted.
Its total nonsense that you need permission from Bmg to open. I know personally 2 people that opened schools and did not discuss it with anybody from Bmg in the slightest and they are succesful. So stop spewing your nonsense. In any case we are talking about opening schools for non yeshivaleit and peiple who hardly know about the yeshivah so they dint care about the bmg haskomoh.
To real askan says:
October 18, 2009 at 12:26 pm
Anon 12:15 PM
Your reasoning about accepting money from the government is totally ludicrous for many reasons.
First of all most schools get a few dollars in textbook money not much else. Secondly according to your reasoning the government doesn’t discriminate between shomer shabbos or girls with pants or mixed classes so we should have to take mechallei shabbos and short sleeves and girls into the boys mesivtas. If government money is the criteria then everybody without any exception must be accepted.
the government understand that there are diferences between the way they teach in public schools and the way we teach in our mosdos but what does that have to do with not accepting people from out of town who are tzaddikim as u put it?
was you grandfather told to go back to europe?
You make no sense. First you spew nonsense about government funding requiring you to take anybody. Then you admit that the government dosnt care. I believe that everybody is tzadikim. No matter who. But people have a right to educate with whatever chinuch they want. There are orthodox people who believe its fine to have coed classes. There are some people who might be tzadikim who consider it fine to have girls wear shorter sleeves and revealing clothes. There are fine people who believe that boys should be involved with the sports teams and television stars. They might all be tzadikim. But to force yeshivaleit who have made their own schools to bring this coed or short sleeve or even tv or sports ruach into their childrens schools , is totally ludicrous. Its is ironic. I truly believe everybody is a tzadik and do not put anybody down. You are the one promoting sinas chinom by calling people names and cursing them.
To real askan says:
October 18, 2009 at 12:55 pm
You make no sense. First you spew nonsense about government funding requiring you to take anybody. Then you admit that the government dosnt care. I believe that everybody is tzadikim. No matter who. But people have a right to educate with whatever chinuch they want. There are orthodox people who believe its fine to have coed classes. There are some people who might be tzadikim who consider it fine to have girls wear shorter sleeves and revealing clothes. There are fine people who believe that boys should be involved with the sports teams and television stars. They might all be tzadikim. But to force yeshivaleit who have made their own schools to bring this coed or short sleeve or even tv or sports ruach into their childrens schools , is totally ludicrous. Its is ironic. I truly believe everybody is a tzadik and do not put anybody down. You are the one promoting sinas chinom by calling people names and cursing them.
first of all the discussion had nothing to do with dress or cood schools thats something you decided to insert to make yourself look right. The discussion started off withh RR who claims that out of towners came into lakewood . So my question still remains . Did anyone tell your grandparents to go back to europe because they were from out of town?
No my grandfather was not told to go back to Europe. Buit before he moved to a community he made sure that it was compatible with his lifestyle and type of chinuch. He and all his fellow pleitim had enough seichel not to force themselves on a community that was different than him. He would not have tried to force his way into chasidishe schools and communities where he understood that their way of chinuch was different and it was not right for him to try to have his kids influence their kids witha lifestyle of short jackets and more modern than they wanted their kids to be exposed to.
To real askan says:
October 18, 2009 at 1:05 pm
No my grandfather was not told to go back to Europe. Buit before he moved to a community he made sure that it was compatible with his lifestyle and type of chinuch. He and all his fellow pleitim had enough seichel not to force themselves on a community that was different than him. He would not have tried to force his way into chasidishe schools and communities where he understood that their way of chinuch was different and it was not right for him to try to have his kids influence their kids witha lifestyle of short jackets and more modern than they wanted their kids to be exposed to.
Either you are playing dumb or totally uneducated because when people came over from europe most people just went to any school where it consisted of chassidish litvish and modern and everyone for the most part was happy to get a jewish education . dont know your grand father or great grand father but if it is as you say then he was a yachid bdoro because no one was mechalek in those days whether you wore a grey hat, no hat or wore a blue shirt
Since you have nothing to answer you keep talking about Europe. I am not rr. You kept putting me down and calling me names for my position that Privately founded Mosdos ( especially if they are full anyway ) can legimitately not accept people who may be Tzadikim but will change the ruach of gheir mosad to influence their kids in a way that is not compatible with their wishes of chinuch for their kids. Therefore the examples if coed or dress or tv or sports or being exposed to other things , are very appropriate examples. Once you concede that there are some legitimate reasons for non admittance , you lost the argument ,as who made you the boss as to where to draw the kine. Therefore you avoid responding to the issue but keep spouting this nonsense about grandfathgers being sent back to europe. I hold every Orthidox Jew as a tzadik but I believe that yeshivaleit and othersa havew a right to build there own mosdos if they ( rightly or wrongly ) want ti shelter thir kids. You seem to have a problem with this because in your opinion if I believe the other guy is a tzadik then I MUST let him set the ruach in my school even if it is totally not in line with my chinuch needs.
Let me just clarify. The new girls school will not be accepting just anybody. It will be for girls from specific elementary schools.which will open up all other schools for everyone.we of course will accept other girls space permitting. We find that this is the fairest solution for all. And we will have room for all girls in all the schools for many years to come.the only haskama we needed was from the elementary school
You are wrong again. My family came from europe in the fifties more than 10 years after the war. Although many of their friends lived in Williamsburg , their resaearch showed that the Mosdos then in Williamsburg were mostly chjasidish and they were smart enough not to force themselves on a chasidishe mosad when they were clean shaven and short jacket types. We hold chasidim as tzadikim and most chasidim will say the sane about us but we are snart enough to realize that their chinuch wants to shelter their kids from some of our hanhogas and we and manny many others respect that without calling them nazis or cusrsing them like you do to us.
To anon 1:25 pm
You are hurting people like me . I was not accepted to the big elementary school because I sometimes wear a blue shirt ,even though I am shartk about my kvious itim latorah . Now next year when I apply to High school ,you will not accept me and many others like myself ,because I dont come from that elementary school . The other schools for sure wont accept me because they will say that if I cant get accepted to the new more inclusive school ,why shpuld they take me . So ,because of you my daughter will become a real reject . Please I beg you . Either open a school to include any and every frum ,sincere girl or dont open at all . You might have good intentions ,but you will end up hurting a lot of pure neshomos on the way . Any girl that you dont accept ,will have zero chance of getting in anywhere else .
To crying parent :
While I feel for your pain ,please look at the other side of the coin . From what I have heard from several people ,most of the problems ,both socially and scholastically ,come from the large elementary school .The reason being that this school has the biggest number of classes ,but more importantly ,it was always somewhat less exclusive and by default most of the problems probably ended up there .
Therefore if somebody truly wants to make a High school that will automatically accept every graduate of this large elementary school sight unseen , at least the vast majority of the girls that now have problems finding a High School ,will now know that they have a school that wants them . The newer elementary schools ,being more private and exclusive ,have a far smaller ratio of problems and we can assume that it is easier for most of their graduates to get accepted to some High school . Thefrore ,if we know that there will be a feeder school created to automatically accept anybody from this big elementary school ,we can assume that 75 % of the problem girls in Lakewood will be placed into this High School without any need for Askanim intervention . This sounds amost too good to be true . I hope that this poster is for real as I know many weaker kids that would be hepled by this .
To anon 1:25. This new school is not meant to exclude anyone. It is the solution to the problem of all the new schools saying they are too crowded.we will be able to take over 100 girls out of the equation starting next year. Let’s face it if we open a school with an open acceptance policy nobody will want to. Come not even you.there are schools in this town that nobodyreally likes and they really want whoever they can get yet they pretended to exclude people just to give themselves credibility. We’ll this will now end in an instant. Of course we will not exclude any good girl that has good hashkafos and is not going to be a bad influence on others. And your blue shirt will not matter. The menaheles that is considering taking the job told me she is color blind. Automaticallya ccepting all girls from this one school will include girls that would otherwise have issues. We just feel it would be a way for parents that would normally feel inferior to go to a school that accepts everyone,to feel happy in the knowledge that the same hashkafas they have trusted for 10 years can continue on for another four years. I promise if this school becomes reality. All the other girls schools will be fighting for your daughter.and if for some reason they overlook you.we will not ignore you or make you wait till the last day of summer to hear from us.
To anon 1:25. This new school is not meant to exclude anyone. It is the solution to the problem of all the new schools saying they are too crowded.we will be able to take over 100 girls out of the equation starting next year. Let’s face it if we open a school with an open acceptance policy nobody will want to. Come not even you.there are schools in this town that nobodyreally likes and they really want whoever they can get yet they pretended to exclude people just to give themselves credibility. We’ll this will now end in an instant. Of course we will not exclude any good girl that has good hashkafos and is not going to be a bad influence on others. And your blue shirt will not matter. The menaheles that is considering taking the job told me she is color blind. Automaticallya ccepting all girls from this one school will include girls that would otherwise have issues. We just feel it would be a way for parents that would normally feel inferior to go to a school that accepts everyone,to feel happy in the knowledge that the same hashkafas they have trusted for 10 years can continue on for another four years. I promise if this school becomes reality. All the other girls schools will be fighting for your daughter.and if for some reason they overlook you.we will not ignore you or make you wait till the last day of summer to hear from us.
Based on your grammer and your spelling i think i will keep my daughter where she is
by writing this “Of course we will not exclude any good girl that has good hashkafos and is not going to be a bad influence on others ” you are basically stating the same exclusionary policy as the others . Every school only excludes those girls it thinks may be a bad influence on others . Either you exclude or you don’t . Why not give every yidishe neshomo a chance . It sounds like you will be the same as everybody else ,just in a different package .
I am a parent of the elementary school Bf and I ewant your to schhol to succeed for everybodys sake . But I am very concerned . What is going to happen is that every single problem or weak or troubled kid in Bf will automatically be in your school as nobody else will feel any responsibility to take them since they now have an automatic acceptance . The top kids however will still be divided between the other in demand schools . Of course you will also get some of them ,but your ratio of weak,and troubled to very good will be very skewed . You will get 100 % of the problems and maybe 30 % of the top . Your final ratio will be 70% weak and 30 % strong if that much . This will not produce a good school. I hope for everybodys sake that I am wrong but I dont see how .
Suffice it to say that the menaheles of the school and the achers combined with a wonderful curriculum will be the envy of every other school. We will be dedicated to any girl thatwas acceptable to the elementary school. We cannot discriminate on that part but we will not lower our standards in hashakafa for anyone.all parents of graduates will feel comfortorable knowing there will be no issues next year getting into school. They will need to make their decision early on. We will not play any of the acceptance games as in the past.
Are you saying that you will not cooperate with the other schoools to send out the letters at the same time ? I moved from NY and I thought that was a really nice thing that all the schools sent their letters out at the same time. it gave us the chance to decide at the same as everybody else was deciding.
What will happen to those dozens of girls that yearly can’t get into BF because their standards of hashkofah don’t meet bf standards ? Who is supposed to take them ? By you not taking them , they will be labeled untoachable to ever other school. At least now the Vaad gets evrybody in somewhere before school starts. Once you label these kids as having hashkofahs not even good enough for your more inclusive school ,they will all be forced to go out of town
I have friends with kids in 8th grade this year. They heard that the applications will be given out in December or Jan this year to accomodate the new schools and large amount of applicants. If this school isn’t official in the next 2 weeks then its just going to remain a phantom blogger school.
No schools sent letters at the same time. No schools were able to accept those they wanted. Therefore regular typical good students with no issues suffer alongside with troubled gitrls. By creating so many spaces in all the other schools. The schools will be forced to have the acceptance. Letter sent by pesach and demand a final answer from parents within a month.the situation will be like the boys schools where they run after them and there are plenty to choose from. And of course non of the current girl schools would cry to the rosh hayeshivas thay we are ruining their schools since this is what they asked for the whole time.
It sounds like this is a internet school. You will have to study through the Scoop. If it was real we would see something not just blogger announcements.
I’m sure all the High schools would love for this to be real. It would relieve the pressure on them by taking all the problem kids from the biggest school off of their heads. Unfortunately it sounds like a bunch of hot air to me.
Neither the VAad or the Rosh Yeshivos or the hanholas hacheder know anything about this. So it must be true. After all anything an anonymous blogger writes is always true.
Rabosai. Please say tehilim for this to be true. Now instead of dealing with 100 problems to be placed I will only have to deal with 20. I will get my life back.
We don’t need any more high schools. If bais yaacov (which is the hottest school right now) would do all their accepting by april and say they will under no circumstances be taking any more girls last minute. The girls that didn’t get in could deal with it find another school and the other schools would know who is available. Then there would be no need for askanim bechlal. Wow what could all the askanim and menahalim do with all the free time saved from needless negotiations?
It seems that there are many vaad members askonim and politicos constantly on here to see what people are saying about them. The only problem is that it also seems the scoop is very nice to them and deletes many of the comments. Maybe if all of you stop looking for problems to solve. Problems will not arise. Many pyromaniacs will try to become firemen so they can cause the fire and look like a hero when they put it out
Can anybody explain on here why schools wait till the night before school starts to accept many girls and causes all these problems for parents and other schools?do they know that they are causing so much tzaar?will they keep on doing this? Or have they changed their ways?please elucidate
Why do schools wait until the day before school to decide whom to take causing a domino effect?because if they didn’t we would have very little to blog about
I believe someone did not mention the house of jacob as being the hottest school in town that everyone is waiting to see if they get into therefore causing a traffic jam for all other schools. Tell it like it is tls
Can anybody explain on here why parents wait till the night before school starts to accept the fact that they should go to the schools that have room for them and cause all these problems for other parents and other schools?do they know that they are causing so much tzaar?will they keep on doing this? Or have they changed their ways?please elucidate
You probably mean The Daughters of the House of Jacob as the new hottest school with the nice new buiding also
oy happy parent
oh here we go again with the bby propaganda machine.are you guys so paranoid that you feel you need to constantly tout your school as being the best.we all know the raid in town and you guys will still have students even after this new high school opens.you may have a little more room in the new building than you expected but you will definitely have enough students
chochom atik you are so right.yes our parents are drei kops and change their minds and make everyone nuts.but why do some schools put up with it?their needs to be set rules and askonim need to stay out of it and stop trying to help these people.the realistic rule followers were the ones that got burnt this year and the drei kops got help from the askonim. make rules and dates that parents will get an acceptance letter.no more exceptions and finished everyone will have a place.schools should tell applicants right away if it is not nogaya to get in and the parents will go elsewhere.aahhh this is a waste of time i’m preaching to the choir
the dauhgters of the house of jacob?which school is that?new building?is it hard to get in there?because i have a daughter going to high school first time.i stopped wearing colored shirts years ago and my wife is very tznius lkol hadaios.my daughters an average student.i was told i need to worry.can i apply to your school?or will i just get the runaround?
Maybe if we tried an experiment and got rid of the askonim for a year or two and left the drei kops to fend for themselves ,maybe they would get the message
Anon 12:35
This year the Daughters school got only the top kids . So you can assume it will be very hard to get in next year . But definitely apply . It is worth trying to get in . By the way they have the nicest new building around .
What is this blue shirt nonsense that everybody writes about here ? I have a few friends who weasr blue shirts and their kids go to the older schools that are considered very good . It sounds like the new schools have the hangups with the shirt color
Hey Mr. Pathetic
What is wrong with a happy Daughters parent touting their school ? Are you upset that it might be too hard to get into that school ? This year they were very selective and the results are obvious to all . Top notch in every way
its probably not going to be as hard to get into daughters as you think because they now have room for a third parallel class so they will probably just open up a third class due to the high demand to get in .
Could somebody please explain what is meant by drei kops and how the askonim help them ? I know someone witha daughter in 8th grade and want to help them through the process. Are tHere special askonim for high school and how can somebody reach them ?
Why are you comparing this parents school to the Titanic ? Is that nice ? Why are you writing in all CAPS ?
I think what the last poster was saying is that when a school tries to show off how great it is it usually has some major chisoron that is being hidden. I don’t think tls is the place to discuss the chisronos of any moisad but I think that such moisdos should watch themselves before they go around saying how great they are.
First of all the school itself is not touting itself. It is some anonymous person on ablog who said some nice things about the school. What is wrong with that ? Second of all I am sure that every school has some chesroinos along with its maalos. So why pick on them ?
It is miss pathetic btw. I went to the school you so highly praise.
Mr or Miss Pathetic . Im not sure were talking about the same school . The school I thought were talking about is fairly new and wouldnt even have anybody that graduated or is older than 16 or 17 . I would doubt that somebody that age is blogging here . Besides the syntax is definitely a yeshivishe male style ,doesnt at all sound like a disgruntled 16 year old girl Sorry
To 10:44 pm. How do you know my age or gender? You are a linguistics expert or some bored blogger?I happen to be 18 now and a female.I went to that school had a rotten experience went somewhere else and I am happy. Yes many girls loved the school but just as many were constantly badgered and made to feel bad about themselves. To be told by a school head that you are getting fat is just creepy.making the school sound like it is perfect for every girl is wrong. You need to have a thick skin to go there. I will no longer discuss this topic as it is too painful for me. And btw I have much better writing skills than you ,as I can see from these posts.you need to brush up on your grammar.
To Miss Pathetic :
Sorry if you feel hurt . Just remember that nobody said that any school is good for everybody . That is nonsense . Every single school has mailos and chisronos and is only good for some people . Parents need to know their child and determine which school is appropriate for them . Then we wouldnt have so many problems with people wanting to go to schools that might be too strict or hard or frum for their particular child
While I feel bad that you are upset , I dont see what is so terrible for your mechaneches to take an interest in your health . Getting fat is not good for your health and for shiduchim ( even though it shouldnt matter ,but unfortunately it does ). Just like your mother might tell you to watch your weight ,maybe she was a caring mechaneches and really cared about you like her own child . Be dan lecaf zechus .
It is nice to know that school heads care about their students well being. You have to learn to take criticism in a positive fashion that its meant for your own good.
AND I WAS A SIZE 4 AT THE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Be thankful they took an interest in your wellbeing. I still don’t understand how you manage to blog in middle of school. If you really attented that school you can’t be higher than 12th grade this year so something doesn’t add up.
it was not a mechaneches or other girl that called me fat.lets stop there.it seems tls is too scared to print who called me fat.so dont ask because you obviously want to keep your head buried in the ground on this subject.and many people know the story .so just ask any parent from the school .they will tell you.
Did you ever hear of a recess break between classes ? Not every school is a jail. !!!!
and tugging a girls untucked shirt to make them aware of tznius?that is not right no matter who does it.
i was told i cant press charges.lets hope it never goes further than that with any girl
If there is a breach of tznius the head of a school or mechaneches has the right to make you aware of it.
I’m not sure I understand what charges could be pressed but who told you that you could not ?
Its up to my parents to give me mussar not my principal.
Why do you not assume their interest was for your well being ? Many principals criticize their students and mean well ?