An official asked that TLS notify readers about the danger of children walking or playing on the pond near Lake Carasaljo. Despite it appearing frozen, the pond can actually have a very thin layer of ice giving children a false sense of security.
Moreover, with temperatures expected to climb, the partially frozen pond and frigid waters beneath, can pose an extreme danger to small children.
Perhaps the headline to this story should be
What do we pay taxes for. A township employee or police officer should be posted in the area to watch and protect for the safety of the children. What are we getting for all the taxes paided. three weeks we havent’ had a bulk pick up. We have potholes everywere and street lights out. If (moderated) can’t do the job we need men that will.
number 1 bite your tongue. you expect people to watch their children ? thats totally unfair
Hey #2
You want a policeman to be a babysitter????? How about you take some personal responsibility for your own actions. You cannot be for real!
Why should we have a person standing watch at the pond when it is the parents responabilty to watch their children and teach them the safety of the lakes. It has not been cold enough to freeze the water, maybe if parents were parents things would be a lot better. I can think of better ways to spent money in this town, like watching how many places are taken off the tax rolls. We have too many tax excempt places in town.
maybe if some township personal wouldn’t be getting large pensions etc… we would have more police patrol
go figure the amount 1 local policeman gets paid in this town is the same as 2-3 new york city cops !!!!!!!!!
something is wrong if you would ask me
Wow… I cannot believe some of the ignorant comments that have been made. Maybe if we didn’t have to babysit, raise and discipline YOUR children, we could actually get REAL police work done and actually focus on the real problems in town such as the gang activity, assaults, burglaries and drug dealing just to name a few. Take car of you children. Watch them. If you can’t handle it or do not have the common sense to realize that it’s a terrible idea to let your children on the pond, well, then maybe you shouldn’t be procreating. And the comment about NYC cops and their salaries, do you understand how foolish that sounds? NYC has I’m guessing 1500-2000 cops, the city could never afford to pay them the same salary, but alas, they chose to work in NYC. And one last note, I deserve every last penny I earn. Since my career began many years ago, I’ve suffered 2 major injuries which have required surgery and caused a permanent disability. I put my life on the line for YOU the tax payers. And yes, I have had incidents where I wondered if just one thing went differently, would I see my family again. We have lost 2 of our brother officers in the last 4 years and lost others through disability caused by gunfire. So yes, we do deserve what we are paid.
Please don’t these comments personally. Most of them are just written by imature ppl looking to get a rise out of you.
For the record, NYC has closer to 35,000 cops not 1,500.
Thanks for your dedication & hard work!
LPD Officer,
Pay no heed to the creeps like #6. They’re just angry people, maybe in a bad marriage or something, so they like to rant.
We love you and you do a great job. Keep up the good work and I hope you get another raise soon.
To LPD Officer- Ignore these ignorant comments. Thank you for all you do! You are greatly appreciated and loved by those you protect. Stay safe, always safe.
to lpd officer, You guys are awesome, always looking to go the extra mile. No “thank you” will ever be enough for all the you do.
You edit people with different political views, but who present facts to back up their opinions, yet you let someone like #6 write pure trash as fact and you publish it.
Since #2 & #6 feel that it is not the parents responsibility to watch their children I think it is time to inaugarate a new organization called the Lake Carasaljo Safety Watch 🙂
Good one LCSW ;)! Keep up the great work! You guys do a terrific service for this town
Maybe we should start some parenting schools in this town to teach people how to raise and take care of their own children. Its not the police departments job to teach safety. Stop putting the blame on other people