Over 20 Children Without School-Frustrated Parents Head To Rosh Hayeshiva

parents and children at R Malkiel(PHOTO taken a short time ago).(UPDATES in extended article). For many children, school started either yesterday or today. However, there are over 20 elementary girls who do not have a school to attend. Those children, until this year attended Ateres Tzipora, which started the new school year today. This year however, approximately 25 families pulled their daughters from the school claiming, some crucial elements of the schools founding principals, were changed. Many of these parents applied to Bais Faiga where they were not accepted-prompting a similar rejection from the other schools applied to. Many of the parents (some pictured with children), showed up to the Rosh Hayeshiva’s home a short time ago to continue to pressure various schools to accept their children. We will keep you posted with any further developments. TLS
U/D 5:45 p.m. TLS spoke with various people involved, including some parents-who say they are extremely satisfied with the school and claim the allegations from the above 25 or so parents against the school, are unfounded. We also spoke with someone from the school administration who said that the Rosh Hayeshiva Reb Malkiel Shlita gave the school a Bracha and stands firmly behind it. Furthermore, he added, the Hashkofoh of the school is under the guidance of Rebbetzin Basia Cohen-wife of Reb Simcha Bunim Cohen Shlita and granddaughter of Reb Avigdor Miller Zatzal. We will continue to bring you any further developments.
U/D 9:12 a.m. TLS has spoken to MANY people parents and Askanim on both sides of this story. It seems that many people including Rabbonim are being misquoted. Understandably, people feel very passionately about this matter and it is not our position to make sense of this story. However, please refrain from making any negative comments with names of Rabbonim, Askanim, current or former members of Ateres Tzipora. As usual, those comments will not be posted. May this issue be resolved as quickly as possible.

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  1. As someone intimatley involved in the whole story i would just like to clarify certain facts. First off Rabbi Gissinger had and to the best of my knowledge continues to have nothing to do with the school. Everyone is encouraged to ask Rabbi Forshiemer as to whether the parents who went back are displaying mesiras nefesh or the ones who stayed out.
    The school was started with a board and Vaad HaRabonim and a core group of parents who wished to have Mrs. Grama as Principal unfortunatleythe school for underwent a change in leadership midyear with out the parents knowledge and Mrs. Grama was told if she stayed she would have to sign a contract stating she would be out of the building by two o’clock she was advised by Da’as Torah not to sign the contract.
    Due to the fact that all admitted that the parents had not been aware of what was going on in terms of school leadership the offer was made in a public meeting of all parents that if they wished to take over the financial achrayus of the school the the leaders would make it easy for them. Several parents steped up to the plate and with great mesiraas nefesh offered to do so at that point the leaders had a change of heart and during a meeting at Rabbi Forsheimers house decided not hand over the school.
    The saddest thing is that now a great school which was on th way up has been destroyed.

  2. with all these people spewing their half truths and misinformation, the average person will never really know the facts, and as a parent it is hard to discern what really transpired. I do know one thing- I look at the behavior of the people supporting each side. On one side I see honorable people who have put time, money and kochos into building a premier school, and dont tell details because they dont want to speak lashon hara. On the other side I see loud mouth hooligans that are spreading untruths, attacking rabannim in a very chutzpadik way, bashmutzing innocent people who have done nothing but a good job, and calling parents in the school and telling them not to send their children back because they are ruining their child’s chinuch for life, and otherwise trying to ruin a great school, which we all know Lakewood could use.
    which side would you believe??????

  3. To “no Rachmonis”
    you tell parents that if you don’t trust the administration you shouldn’t have sent there, but what you don’t seem to be aware of is the fact that the two people running the school at this time were only invited onto the board once the school was already founded and was up and running. So almost anyone who joined the school last year was doing so to have Mrs. G as their principal and was happy with that particular administration and was not prepared for the coup that took place gradually over the past year and particularly over the last few weeks. The mainstay of the parents should have applied to AT in the first place and these two persons should have gone elsewhere if all they had intended all along was to change every fundamental element of a fabulous school!

  4. The story comrs down to racism. If this was a black school Bais Faiga would have accepted all the kids – and the admin who have accepting the money.

    It Elul, let try to focus on the health care plan I am trying to implement and then we can focus on getting the lunches prices lower.

  5. who are you people commenting on an issue that is not your problem. Perhaps if the parent body of AT would have been so vocal and involved this whole mess wouldn’t have happened in the first place.

  6. Lakewood canno sustain any more residents, how many more schools, and as you can see by now, the private schools are being selective.

    Reality, all lakewood citizens will; pay for the schools private and public, when the government stimulus runs out, hello to all, where do you think themoney will come for the programs. HELLO LAKEWOOD TAXPAYERS,

  7. I don’t know anything about the school or its politics, but, I do think that any school that Rebitzen Cohen stands behind, ought to to be an excellent place where children will learns proper middos and hashkofos.

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