PHOTO: Over 1,000 gathered in Boro Park yesterday for the 49th Annual National Siyum Mishnayos of Pirchei Agudath Israel of America. Pirchim from Lakewood, Monsey, Brooklyn, South Fallsburg, Passaic, Scranton, Staten Island, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Waterbury – approximately 1500 in all – arrived at The Palace to take part in this year’s Siyum.
The siyum was unique as part of the entrance fee was the requirement to learn perakim of Mishnayos. Many boys also took part in a special hasmodo contest which culminated at the siyum with a raffle for major prizes. The actual siyum was celebrated by the more than 30 bochurim who were mesayem Shisha Sidrei Mishna in honor of their Bar Mitzvah and were recognized at the Siyum. These mesayemim arrived an hour before the event to attend an informal farher by Rabbi Yehoshua Grunfeld Rosh Kollel Beis Medrash Iyun Hatalmud of Monsey.
The doors opened at 6:00pm with boys jockeying to get good seats. Excitement mounted as the Pirchim entered the large hall where they received sandwiches, soda and a beautiful organizer. They then proceeded to the main ballroom where the siyum was to take place.
The program began with recital of tehillim by Rabbi Grunfeld shlit”a. Rabbi Fishel Shachter shlit”a, maggid shiur in Yeshiva Torah Voddath, chaired the event and held the boys mesmerized with his amazing storytelling talent. The entire room rose to its feet as one of the Gedolei Hador, and member of the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah of Agudas Yisroel, Harav Shmuel Kaminetzky, Rosh Hayeshiva Yeshiva Gedola of Philadelphia, warmly exhorted them to greater achievement in their limud haTorah and bentched them all with Hatzlocho. Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel executive vice President of Agudas Yisroel of America gave divrei chizuk
The ruach was palpable as the time came for the actual siyum of shisha sidrei mishna. The last mishna of shas, hadran and first mishnah of the new cycle were recited by members of the Mesayemim group.
Kaddish was said by Mr. Abe Eisner, a long time supporter of the siyum. The walls of The Palace shook as the huge crowd called out ‘amen yehei shmei rabba’.
After Kaddish, amid shouts of ‘mazel tov!’, the boys as well the adults joined in the singing of siman tov umazel tov. “As always the highlight of the event is the actual Siyum where many of today’s mesayemim first became inspired at past siyumim.” observes Pirchei National Director Rabbi Ephraim Levi.
This year in preparation for the historic 12th Siyum Hashas of the Daf Yomi, a special presentation on the Masmidei Hasiyum program was shown by Rabbi Shia Markowitz, National Director of Masmidei Hasiyum.
A hush came over the audience, as the lights were dimmed and the boys were shown a presentation, “Highlights of the 11th Siyum Hashas of Daf Yomi”.
“Just as adults today still carry with them the warmth and hissorrirus from siyumim when they were children, watching the rapt attention of the audience leaves no doubt these youngsters will carry the memories of this siyum well into the future” noted Rabbi Labish Becker, excecutive director of Agudath Israel of America.
The children left, recharged in their desire to increase their Torah learning, looking forward with great anticipation to next year’s Siyum Mishnayos which will iy”h take place in Yerushalayim and mark a Yovel of this inspiring event. TLS.
Oh how I remember growing up and being part of pirchei. the siyum mishnayos was a highlight of the year. How I cannot forget Rabbi Joshua Silbermintz. Are there people around like him today? Why has pirchei disintegrated? Is it possible to revive it? I think that the children would greatly benefit from it. Lakewood pirchei is just about dead. Its sad.
I agree with #1….The good ole Days..
Pirchei from Lakewood? Why did I not receive any info about this ?
I also miss the Zeirei Forum.Remember when there was a magazine aimed exclusively at Yeshiva Bochrim.It would be wonderful to revive it.
Pirchei of Lakewood is weak because ppl just want to remeber the old days and no one wants to work to put it together Rabbi Zions has little to no help running his programs. Its a real shanda for lakewood. #3 the reason you didnt hear about it is because the yeshivos in Lakewood refuse to participate. Scream to you childrens yeshivos about it.
Yes I remember as a child growing up in Boro Park going to the pirchei on 14th avenue. Ah, such great memories!!