OU’s Pre-passover Webcast Answers Variety Of Pesach-related Questions; Submit Questions Ahead of Webcast

Almost everyone knows the four questions that are read in the haggadah during the Passover seders, but for two OU Kosher poskim (halachic authorities) — Rabbi Yisroel Belsky and Rabbi Hershel Schachter — multiple other questions are asked of them every year during the Orthodox Union’s Pre-Passover webcast, which this year will take place on Tuesday, March 12 at 2:30 p.m., EDT.

Those who wish to view the webcast should log on 15 minutes prior to that time. The link for the webcast is http://oukosher.org/prepesach.

“The webcast, scheduled for Rosh Chodesh Nisan, will provide ample time for men and women to ask the questions they need to prepare for the holiday and to observe its eight days properly,” declared Rabbi Eliyahu Safran, vice president of communications and marketing at OU Kosher. “As with all other kashrut webcasts, it will be archived so that it can be referred to again and again.”

This year, the OU poskim will focus on questions and answers relating to “Preparing the Home, Preparing the Head.” The OU poskim will respond to questions about house cleaning, kitchen preparation, as well as the Seder and will also amplify on the philosophy and values of Pesach.

Rabbi Safran notes that “the ever popular OU Kosher Pre-Pesach Webcast listened to by thousands around the world has taken place for several years with specific topics and issues addressed in each; this year questions will be accepted on all issues and concerns involving the Passover holiday.”

Prior to the program, questions can be emailed to Rabbi Safran at [email protected], and during the webcast to Rabbi Eliyahu W. Ferrell will be able to access emails at [email protected].

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  1. It is actually fascinating to watch this broadcast each year. Just to see the breadth of knowledge in Torah that these two gedolim display is breathtaking. May Hashem grant them arichus yamim veshanim.

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