OU To Hold “Let My People Know” Webcast Featuring OU Poskim Rav Belsky And Rav Schachter

On the heels of the success of and feedback from previous OU Kosher webcasts to which thousands have tuned in worldwide, and in response to multiple requests for the OU Poskim to respond to issues and questions beyond the realm of kashrut, OU Kosher will present “Let My People Know — The OU Poskim Answer Your Questions on ANY Topic,” featuring OU Kosher authorities and senior halachic consultants Rabbi Yisroel Belsky and Rabbi Hershel Schachter. The webcast will take place Tuesday, December 13, 2:30 p.m. EST. Those who wish to view the webcast live should log on 15 minutes prior to that time.            

The program will take place at www.ou.org/webcast_kosher/.           

In announcing the upcoming webcast, Rabbi Eliyahu Safran, OU Kosher’s Vice President of Communications and Marketing, noted the many requests coming from previous listeners to OU Kosher’s webcasts “to have Rabbis Belsky and Schachter respond and comment on the many recurring questions and issues in all areas of halachic concern and practice affecting both the individual and community.” 

Topics that have already been suggested by listeners include: priorities in charitable giving; the need to better prioritize charitable contributions during economic depression; how to best educate with so many contemporary distractions; and conflicts between home and school.           

Viewers of the webcast must send in questions before the session starts to Rabbi Safran at [email protected] or Rabbi Eliyahu W. Ferrell at [email protected].  Questions may only be submitted prior to the webcast. TLS.

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