Orthodox Union Wishes “Mazal Tov” To New White House Chief Of Staff Jack Lew

This afternoon, the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America – the nation’s largest Orthodox Jewish umbrella organization — applauded the appointment by President Obama of Mr. Jacob (“Jack”) Lew as White House Chief of Staff.

Mr. Lew is the first individual affiliated with the Orthodox Jewish community to hold this position of great responsibility. Mr. Lew has been affiliated and active with two OU member congregations over the past decade – Congregation Beth Shalom in Potomac, Maryland and the Hebrew Institute of Riverdale in Bronx, New York.

OU Managing Director Rabbi Steven Burg and Executive Director for Public Policy Nathan Diament issued the following statement: “We commend President Obama for appointing Mr. Jack Lew as White House Chief of Staff. Our community takes great pride in the appointment of the first member of our community to this position of great responsibility. We wish Mr. Lew a hearty ‘Mazal Tov’ on his historic appointment and best wishes in his new role in serving the president and people of the United States.” TLS.

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  1. smart reelection move! but where does mr.lew stand on obama’s policies on israel. very nice as long as he’s not another jewish puppet to win our votes!

  2. Jack Lew is a real mensch. My parents used to daven with him in a years ago in a small minyan in DC. Made a shiva call when my father was sitting.

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