Orthodox Union Releases COVID-19 Vaccine Guidance

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none of the science shows that the vaccines currently on the market stop transmission of covid-19 as such there is no benefit to anyone but the actual recipient of the vaccine from the vaccine. in other words someone who receives the vaccine for Covid 19 can still get Covid 19 it will be a more mild case but will still be contagious so there is no benefit to anyone but that individual. can the authors of this psak please address this point?
The new vaccines have a hashgochah !
I would like to know what the rabbis think about the fact that clinical trial participants were not allowed to become pregnant after the first dose until a certain time after the second dose (three months for one company, and 28 days for the other), and men could not father children for the same time period. What does that mean for people who get the vaccine now?
And what do the rabbis think about the comment of an FDA representative at a recent CDC committee meeting (VRBPAC) saying that although there is no data to say whether the vaccine is harmful to pregnant women and their fetus, there is no “data to warrant its contraindication” ? Should this vaccine be added to the other vaccines that pregnant women get?
Fact check comment is a selective reading of information. There is no science that shows that the vaccines do not stop the transmission of covid. The trials only had the information of the participants, not of those who mingle with them. Therefore, they honestly say that they have yet to prove one way or another in regards to transmission. Nonetheless, it is assumed by many experts, that by not producing a viral load due to immunity of covid, or even if a viral load is produced, it is lesser, therefore that vaccine will at least mitigate transmission, if not stop it outright.
is “assumed by experts” considered science? what is the definition of science? how can you say something that is “assumed by experts” is science and base a halachic ruling on that as if it is science? sure alot of people wish it will be exactly what it is assumed to be but until the science is done it is certainly not science…
What i described is not selective reading… your response is wishful thinking but not backed by any science…
Pfizer is the 1st vaccine available which will be followed by Moderna than Johnson & Johnson than European vaccines etc.
I would say if your between ages 50 & 85 or high Risk don’t wait a day. Apply for this Pfizer vaccine immediately. This vaccine requires 2 vaccinations exactly 21 days apart ,no sooner and no later and takes a certain length of time to be fully effective. I already had COVID and have antibodies but I will get vaccinated anyways.
I agree with the poskim.
can you explain why you would be getting vaccinated anyways? is there any science behind that or are you just so terrified that you can’t think logically?
As per our medical advisers Standards have not been compromised for the sake of speed…. Simply impossible! sense long term testing is just that, long term. Time tells, And there is no way to rush that
please @berish you are being way too logical for the whole Covid-19 saga which defies logic… please continue to act as a sheeple and believe everything you are told whether it makes sense or not and follow the very important and life saving guidance provided by our Government and Public Health professionals even though they themselves violate their own restrictions ala Gavin Newsom going to a party, Dr Facui sitting shoulder to shoulder with his friends without a mask, Pelosi going to the beauty salon when they were shut down, and our very own Gov Murphy going out to dinner with his family…This is a real life version of George Orwell’s Animal Farm
The United Kingdom said that pregnant women should not get the vaccine, and that women should not become pregnant for three months after the first dose.
In the trials, Moderna participants were told not to become pregnant for three months after the second dose, and men were told not to father children for three months after the second dose. (For Pfizer, it was 28 days.)
So my question to the OU and RCA rabbis is: Since this vaccine has not been tested in pregnant women, and since the UK is offering such guidance, and since the trial participants had these constraints, should women use birth control before they get the vaccine and for the time frame indicated afterwards?
Pfizer’s own report said their data cannot say if the vaccine will prevent asymptomatic infection, virus shedding, or transmission from a vaccinated person to someone else.
You can see this for yourself by googling VRBPAC meeting December 10, 2020 to get to the FDA document and then check out page 48.
Why be more worried about the long term risks of the vaccine (which has hurt less than 1/10,000, and contains only one element of the virus — the MessengerRNA) . . . than about the long term risks of COVID-19 itself (which has many harmful long term side effects, even in the young and healthy, and we’ve only scratched the surface on what those may be)?!!
Read up on “Long-COVID”
Read up a little about documented long-term symptoms of COVID and their frequency.